Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Memory Weaver by Jane Kirkpatrick

Eliza is haunted by her childhood.  Her mother died and her father remarried.  She couldn't shake the memories of being kidnapped as a child.  She was ready to leave home and start her life with her new love.  Her father tried to warn her to not rush into things but she didn't want to listen to him.  Things didn't turn out as she planned.  Her husband wasn't all she wanted him to be.    Life wasn't easy.  She wasn't prepared when her husband wanted to move to the very area that she was running from in her thoughts and memory.

Eliza had many lessons to learn on her journey.  I enjoyed reading about Eliza and her road to maturity.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Chase by Kyle and Kelsey Kupecky.

I just had the opportunity to read the new book by Kyle and Kelsey Kupecky - The Chase.  I wish I had this book when I was younger.  Each chapter had the girl and boy's view of the subject matter.  I loved the message and the way it was presented.   This is a must read and I highly recommend it to anyone 12 and older.  They were very sensitive to their readers and they certainly didn't chastise anyone who may have already made an error in judgment.  I would to see this book given to youth groups for a book study.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Mistress of Tall Acre by Laura Frantz

Today is the release day for this wonderful romance between Seamus, Sophie and Little Cate.  Sophie opened her arms and heart to the Ogilvy Family.  She made Little Cate her own but kept to herself her feelings for Seamus.  As the story develops, Seamus could either pull away or gravitate towards Sophie in their time of sorrow and need.

I loved this book.  Sophie was so like others...she was afraid of being hurt again and she learned how to take care of herself.  She was proud and found it hard to rely on others.  Seamus was hurt and buried his feelings.  He had so much love to give but was reluctant after his first marriage.

It is a story of Seamus and Sophie's journey of discovery about themselves and each other.


The Island Girls

Sometimes we find ourselves doing the unimaginable.   Peggy discovered that she had the emotional and physical strength to accomplish the im...