Saturday, June 27, 2020

A Bride of Convenience by Jody Hedlund

Zoe traveled far to escape her hardships in England and to find her brother.  Abe was determined to further his career.  But something called marriage interfered in both of their plans.  Zoe found herself  A BRIDE OF CONVENIENCE.

I loved the story.  You can't help but love Zoe.  She had a giving heart.  Abe fought his attraction to Zoe as he was fixated on a lost love.  He took too much time focusing on what he didn't have or what he wanted to achieve. He almost lost it all.

Many people are in the same situation.  We spend so much time trying to achieve a goal or envy what our neighbor has.  We don't realize how blessed we are.  We sometimes realize this after it is too late. 

I received this book for free to review. 

A great story that I know my friends and family would enjoy. 

Series: The Bride Ships Series, Book 3
Genre: Historical Romance
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
Publication Year: 2020
ASIN: 0764232975
ISBN: 9780764232978
Unemployed mill worker Zoe Hart jumps at the opportunity to emigrate to British Columbia in 1863 to find a better life and be reunited with her brother, who fled from home after being accused of a crime.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Highest of Hopes by Susan Anne Mason

Emmaline had the Highest of Hopes when she travelled to Canada to search for her father.  Jonathan had the Highest of Hopes that Emmaline could love him.

They both learned that feelings such as love and affection can not be forced.   It is a gift that is given to you without it being a competition or contest.

You don't have to earn GOD's love.  You don't have to impress GOD for him to love you.  His love is constant.

This is the second book of the Canadian Crossings Series.  I read the first book of the series.  They each can stand alone but a few characters in Book one appear in Book two. I have Book three ready!!!!

I received this free from Bethany House to review.

Book Cover for "The Highest of Hopes"Book 2: The Highest of Hopes
For Years She Searched for Somewhere to Belong.
But is She Looking in the Right Place?
Emmaline Moore and her best friend, Jonathan Rowe, travel to Canada to find the father she never knew. Instead of the joyful reunion she anticipates, however, she finds Randall Moore is more concerned about his bid to become mayor of Toronto than getting to know his daughter. Jonathan has secretly loved Emma for years and hopes that during their trip he can win her heart. When she informs him that she has no intention of returning to England, Jonathan begins to despair. Will she ever come to see that Jonathan is her true home?
headshot of SusanI have always loved to write. As a teen, I wrote my first novel, only to be politely rejected by my publisher of choice.
Life got in the way – university, marriage and children became the priority. Then once I had time to start reading again, the writing bug bit once more.
I enjoy writing both contemporary and historical Inspirational romances. “Romance sprinkled with faith” describes my writing style. I love themes of forgiveness and redemption!
I am a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and the Romance Writers of America. My association with such amazing groups of people has been the biggest asset toward learning my craft.
Home for me is Brampton, Ontario, Canada (near Toronto), where I live with my husband and our two children. My day job is a part-time secretary at a local church. In my spare time, I like to read and research our family history online.

Monday, June 8, 2020

The Best of Intentions

I just finished this touching book by Susan Anne Mason.  I was sad for it to end but I already have the next book in the Canadian Crossings Series.

I couldn't put the book down.  I loved Grace and her compassion.  I wanted to shake Andrew because of his sense of responsibility.  I wanted to shout at Mr. Easton for being so stubborn and set in his ways.

I highly recommend this book.  I can't wait to give it to my Mother to read.  Ms. Mason wrote such a beautiful story that I have to share. 

I received this book for free from Bethany House to review.

Susan Anne Mason

Susan Anne Mason's ( historical novel Irish Meadows won the Fiction from the Heartland contest from the Mid-American Romance Authors Chapter of RWA as well as the Christian Retailer's Choice Award for Debut Novel. A member of ACFW, Susan lives outside of Toronto, Ontario, with her husband and two children.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Wanda Brunstetter's Amish Friends Farmhouse Favorites Cookbook

I am not a cook.  I never have pretended to be.  The funny thing is that I love collecting cookbooks and antique kitchen items.

I can't resist cookbooks and when I received one by Wanda Brunstetter...well..I did a little happy dance.

This cookbook will be one I will use instead of it just sitting on my shelf.  I found a few recipes that I am ready to make.

The pictures are great and the pages are sturdy. It is not flimsy.  

A great addition is the section with tips and suggestions to use in the home.  

This will make a wonderful gift for anyone who loves to cook or someone like me.  It's my birthday this month so it couldn't have come at a better time.  Thanks, Wanda Brunstetter!  

"I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review."I

Friday, June 5, 2020

What Momma Left Behind

Cindy K. Sproles wrote this touching story of Worie Dressar.  Worie thought she had a heavy load on her shoulders.  But it was more than she could imagine.

The Bible tells us:

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:28–30).

Worie with the help of Pastor Jess came to the realization that she wasn't alone.  She had a family.  Unconventional it might be but what defines a family?

Worie, Calvin and Justice were Children of God that Momma Louise loved and cared for.  They were not the only ones.  It is no wonder that Worie took after her.  Her arms were wide enough to hold them.  Her heart was large enough to love.

I received this free from Revell Books to review.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Lady and the Mountainman

I know when I pick up a Misty Beller book that I am in for a treat.  She has a way to make her characters come alive.

Leah was a lady.  She knew what was expected of her but she can't do it.  Her life was in jeopardy.

Gideon was a mountain man.  He got the jobs done.  He focussed on his chores and kept everyone at a distance. He had to.  He wasn't willing to take a chance.

Until......Leah showed up.

GOD had a plan for them.  GOD makes no mistakes.

In the moment, we often question why or how come when something bad happens.   Sometimes we feel our Prayers are not heard of answered.  GOD always hears our prayers. He wants the best for us.  We must trust and believe.

Leah and Gideon had their doubts and fears.  GOD was there to guide them.

I received this free from Celebrate Lit to review.

Genre: Christian historical romance
Title: The Lady and the Mountain Man
Author Name: Misty M. Beller
Series Info: (The Mountain Series, Book 1)

Book link to get the eBook:

Hook: When a murder plot forces a Southern belle onto a ranch in the wild Montana mountains, love is the last thing she expects to find.

Back cover blurb:
Leah Townsend, a recently orphaned heiress, flees Richmond after discovering her fiancĂ©’s plot to kill her after their wedding. She needs a safe place to hide, and finds herself accepting a newspaper marriage proposal from a God-fearing young rancher in the Montana Territory. But when Leah arrives at the mountain ranch, she learns her intended husband was killed by a grizzly, leaving behind a bitter older brother and a spunky younger sister.
When Gideon Bryant finds an eastern lady standing in his log cabin, his first thought is to send her back where she came from. He’s lost too many people to the wild elements of these mountains––his parents, his wife, and now his brother. His love for this untamed land lives on, but he’s determined not to open his heart to another person.
But when an accident forces Leah to stay at the ranch for seven more months, can Gideon protect his heart from a love he doesn’t want? Has Leah really escaped the men who seek her life?

Author Bio:
Misty M. Beller is a USA Today bestselling author of romantic mountain stories, set on the 1800s frontier and woven with the truth of God’s love.
She was raised on a farm in South Carolina, so her Southern roots run deep. Growing up, her family was close, and they continue to keep that priority today. Her husband and children now add another dimension to her life, keeping her both grounded and crazy.
God has placed a desire in Misty's heart to combine her love for Christian fiction and the simpler ranch life, writing historical novels that display God's abundant love through the twists and turns in the lives of her characters.

Author Links:

When a murder plot forces a Southern belle onto a ranch in the wild Montana mountains, love is the last thing she expects to find. THE LADY AND THE MOUNTAIN MAN by @MistyMBeller #christfiction #amreading

Like to #amreading Christian historical romance? With over 1700 Amazon reviews, THE LADY AND THE MOUNTAIN MAN by @MistyMBeller is a bestseller you won’t want to miss! #christfiction #historicalromance
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