Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Sarah Sundin- The Land Beneath Us

What a classic love story!  I have read every book of this series.  I love the Paxton brothers.  They each have an individual  battle to overcome while serving our Country!

Speaking of personal battles- Leah's was so heart wrenching.  It is great to read how her faith in GOD helped her through the most difficult times.  She was a disciple of Christ.  Her passion and caring nature spilled over to everyone she touched.

Both Clay and Leah had to learn their value before their love could blossom.

Great story.  I loved everything about this book.

The Land Beneath Us

Book 1: The Sea Before Us, February 2018
Book 2: The Sky Above Us, February 2019
Book 3 in the Sunrise at Normandy series, coming February 4, 2020
A dream as dangerous . . .
A love as solid . . .
As the land beneath them.
In 1943, Private Clay Paxton trains hard with the US Army Rangers at Camp Forrest, Tennessee, determined to do his best in the upcoming Allied invasion of France. With his future stolen by his brothers’ betrayal, Clay has only one thing to live for—fulfilling the recurring dream of his death.
Leah Jones works as a librarian at Camp Forrest, longing to rise above her orphanage upbringing and belong to the community, even as she uses her spare time to search for her real family—the baby sisters she was separated from so long ago.
After Clay saves Leah’s life from a brutal attack, he saves her virtue with a marriage of convenience. When he ships out to train in England for D-day, their letters bind them together over the distance—but can a love strong enough to overcome death grow between them before Clay’s recurring dream comes true?

The Thief of Lanwyn Manor

Julia fled to Lanwyn Manor to escape from heartbreak and embarrassment.  She never expected to be caught in the middle of such drama and intrigue.

Julia was to behave a certain way or there would be consequences.  Her future could be at risk if she didn't conform to societies' expectations.

I enjoyed the twists and turns of this book.  Who was the mysterious intruder?  Was Isaac or Matthew really what they seem?    Whom could Julia trust?

I never like reading or watching shows that show early medical practices such as bleeding or leeches!  Yikes!  I get squeamish when I read what was common practices in those days.  Thank goodness for the advancements that have been made in medical science.I

Interesting and Intriguing!!!!

I received this free from Celebrate Lit to review.

About the Book

Book:  The Thief of Lanwyn Manor
Author: Sarah E. Ladd
Genre:  Regency Romance
Release Date: January 7, 2020
Thief of Lanwyn ManorIn this sweet Regency romance, Julia knows Matthew Blake, copper mine owner and very eligible bachelor, is the gentleman she should set her eyes upon. But why can’t she steal her gaze away from his younger brother, Isaac?
Cornwall, England 1818—Julia Twethewey needs a diversion to mend her broken heart, so when her cousin invites her to Lanwyn Manor, Julia eagerly accepts. Lanwyn Manor is at the heart of Cornwall’s mining industry, and as a guest Julia is swept into its intricate world. It’s not long, though, before she realizes something dark lurks in the home’s ancient halls.
As a respected mine owner’s younger son, Isaac Blake is determined to keep his late father’s legacy alive through the family business, despite his brother’s careless attitude. In order to save their livelihood—and the livelihood of those around them—the brothers approach the master of Lanwyn Manor with plans to bolster the floundering local industry. Isaac can’t deny his attraction to the man’s charming niece, but his brother has made his intentions to court the lovely guest clear. And Isaac knows his place.
When tragedy strikes, mysteries arise, and items go missing, Julia and Isaac find they are pulled together in a swirl of strange circumstances, but despite their own best efforts to bow to social expectations, their hearts aren’t so keen to surrender.

About the Author

sarahladdSarah E. Ladd received the 2011 Genesis Award in historical romance for The Heiress of Winterwood. She is a graduate of Ball State University and has more than ten years of marketing experience. Sarah lives in Indiana with her amazing family and spunky golden retriever. Visit her online at SarahLadd.com; Facebook: SarahLaddAuthor; Twitter: @SarahLaddAuthor.

Read an Excerpt

Click here to read an excerpt from the book.

Blog Stops

Genesis 5020, January 13
Bigreadersite, January 15
Texas Book-aholic, January 15
Pause for Tales, January 16
Wishful Endings, January 16
deb’s Book Review, January 16
Betti Mace, January 17
KarenSueHadley, January 17
Robin’s Nest, January 18
Remembrancy, January 19
Hallie Reads, January 20
Blogging With Carol, January 20
Life of Literature, January 21
Danielle Lozada, January 21
She Lives to Read, January 22
By The Book, January 23
SPLASHES of Joy, January 23
Mary Hake, January 24
Back Porch Reads, January 24
Daysong Reflections, January 24
Mamma Loves Books, January 25
Hookmeinabook, January 26
Simple Harvest Reads, January 26 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Misty Beller - Freedom in the Mountain Wind

If Ms. Beller was a baseball player, she hit another one out of the park.  Her writing style draws me right in.  I become part of her story.

Susanna and her father shared a special bond.  She wanted to fulfill her father's dreams.  In the process, she was making her own dreams come true.

Beaver Tail was on the trail assisting his friend.  But he learned valuable lessons that changed his life forever.

The mountains were calling her name.  Beaver Tail was opening her heart.

I received this free from Celebrate Lit to review.

About the Book

Book: Freedom in the Mountain Wind
Author: Misty M. Beller
Genre: Christian Historical Romance
Release Date: January 14, 2020
The last epic journey before her life changes forever.
Susanna Wilkins will do anything to make her father’s final dream come true, including trek along the path Lewis and Clark explored into the untamed wilds of the Rocky Mountains. Every mile is more crucial now that lung cancer is stealing Pa’s last days faster than she can come to terms with losing him. The journey becomes harder than she ever expected, but paddling upriver through fierce rapids and fighting hungry grizzlies isn’t what terrifies her the most.
Beaver Tail endured more than he can stand from the women in his Blackfoot camp, but the last disaster gave him the final shove he needed to join this band of brothers searching for one of their group who’s gone missing. The last thing he expected was to find a white woman and her sick father stranded at the base of massive waterfall. His plan is to help them carry their oversize canoe and supplies, then leave them to their strange mission. Yet, the more he learns about the pair, the more he realizes his life is about to be derailed—again.
From a USA Today bestselling author comes another epic journey through breathless landscapes and adventure so intense, lives will never be the same.

Click here for your copy.

About the Author

Misty M. Beller is a USA Todaybestselling author of romantic mountain stories, set on the 1800s frontier and woven with the truth of God’s love.
She was raised on a farm in South Carolina, so her Southern roots run deep. Growing up, her family was close, and they continue to keep that priority today. Her husband and children now add another dimension to her life, keeping her both grounded and crazy.
God has placed a desire in Misty’s heart to combine her love for Christian fiction and the simpler ranch life, writing historical novels that display God’s abundant love through the twists and turns in the lives of her characters.

More from Misty

When God Directs a Google Search…
I’m a history lover, but you may have guessed that since I write historical romance stories. 😊 Most of my books are set in the Rocky Mountains during the mid-1800s, but as I began brainstorming ideas for this new series, my heart became drawn earlier to the earlier part of the century—a time period with which I wasn’t quite as familiar with the history.
I love when God orchestrates even the most mundane part of our lives, including Google searches! During one particular search (I can’t even remember what I was originally looking for), I stumbled across part of a journal entry from the Lewis and Clark expedition, which trekked across Montana during the time period I was looking into. I’d forgotten that expedition had even entered the territory that would later become Montana, but now I was fascinated.
After finding an audiobook of the abridged journals of Lewis and Clark, I happily listened to almost 19 hours of fascinating stories from the Corp of Exploration’s journey up the Missouri River and across the mountains to the Pacific Ocean, then back mostly the over the same path they’d come. The stories the men told were so amazing, and the detail of their trials so absorbing, I’ve actually re-listened to the audiobook twice! Many of the true tales wouldn’t be believable in fiction, but as I listened, my mind formed the premise for Freedom in the Mountain Wind: a father/daughter duo who sets out almost two decades after Lewis and Clark’s journey, determined to retrace the steps of that famous expedition.
I hope you enjoy this story as much as I loved writing it! And whether you’re a history lover or not, I pray that you too will be touched by this “epic journey through breathless landscapes and adventure so intense, lives will never be the same.”

Blog Stops

Simple Harvest Reads, January 15 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)
Daysong Reflections, January 15
Genesis 5020, January 16
Connect in Fiction, January 17
SPLASHES of Joy, January 17
Emily Yager, January 18
Mary Hake, January 20
Wishful Endings, January 21
All-of-a-kind Mom, January 21
Pause for Tales, January 22
Bigreadersite, January 22
Betti Mace, January 23
Older & Smarter?, January 24
Rebecca Tews, January 25
She Lives to Read, January 26
Blessed & Bookish, January 27
janicesbookreviews, January 27
deb’s Book Review, January 27
Texas Book-aholic, January 28
Hook Me In A Book, January 28


To celebrate her tour, Misty is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon Gift Card!!

Friday, January 17, 2020

The Blizzard Bride

A skunk plays a very important part in this story.  An interesting way to bring everyone together in this small town.

Abigail was focused on her mission to obtain vital information.  She was so determined that she allowed it to change her.

Dash was trying to Abigail safe.  Even if it meant to walk away.

The Blizzard changes everything.

About the Book: 
Join the adventure through history, romance, and family legacy as the Daughters of the Mayflower series continues with The Blizzard Bride by Susanne Dietze. In 1888, Abigail Bracey goes to Nebraska to teach school. . .and to execute a task for the government: to identify a student as the son of a counterfeiter—the man who killed her father.

Susanne Dietze began writing love stories in high school, casting her friends in the starring roles. Today, she's an award-winning, RWA RITA®-nominated author who's seen her work on the ECPA, Amazon, and Publisher's Weekly Bestseller Lists for Inspirational Fiction. Married to a pastor and the mom of two, Susanne lives in California and enjoys fancy-schmancy tea parties, genealogy, the beach, and curling up on the couch with a costume drama and a plate of nachos. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

An Uncommon Woman by Laura Frantz

Tessa lives in a house full of brothers.  Her closest friend was kidnapped by Indians years ago.  She has learned to be careful.  Her safety is at stake.  Tessa has guarded her heart as well until she met Clay Tygart.

Clay has a lot on his shoulders.  He sure doesn't need to be emotionally attached to Tessa, An Uncommon Woman.

The story was magnificent.  The historical setting was superb.  It took me awhile to start this book but last night I was up to 2:00 am turning page after page.  I couldn't put it down.  I had to know the outcome.

Clay and Tessa were both strong individuals.  They had to be to survive in the 1770's.  But they both had hidden fears.  It is easy to act like you have it all together.  It is not easy to let someone know what you are really are thinking and feeling.

Five Stars!  *****

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Amish Greenhouse Mystery: The Crow's Call

Are you superstitous? If you see a black cat, do you go in the opposite direction? Do you walk under a ladder?  Amy King felt uneasy about a crow that took up residency at their nursery. His call gives her the chills.

This is Part One of a new series by Wanda Brunstetter.  She has a way of bringing her characters alive.  You are not just reading the story but become a part of the story.  You feel Amy's exhaustion.  You can understand her worries.

I am a retired juvenile probation officer so I was interested in the Henry storyline.  Henry is Amy's younger brother.

How does the family handle their grief?  How can life go on?  How do they cope?  Pick up a copy of this book and find out!!!

I have never been disappointed in any of Ms. Brunstetter's books.  They are entertaining and wonderful to read.


The Island Girls

Sometimes we find ourselves doing the unimaginable.   Peggy discovered that she had the emotional and physical strength to accomplish the im...