Thursday, April 18, 2024

Return to Love's Promise

No.  It can't end there.  There has to be another page.  This is how I felt when I finished this latest addition to the The Amish Bonnet Sisters.  Book 41 is just as great as Book 1.  

Wilma, the mother of the sisters, has a decision to make.  Is she ready for her life to change once again? 

I really have enjoyed getting to know each family member.  I really believe Wilma is a Saint.  She handles chaos and the ups and downs of family life in a calm and patient manner.   

I received this book to review from the author, Samantha Price.




Samantha Price is a USA Today Bestselling author of Amish romance books and cozy mysteries.

She was raised Brethren and has a deep affinity for the Amish way of life, which she has explored extensively with over a decade of research.

All her books are clean and wholesome reads. 

Samantha is mother to two pampered rescue cats, and a very spoiled staffy with separation issues.


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

His Treasured Bride


Daisy didn't expect to ever find a husband.  She made a list of what she wanted in a mate.  There couldn't be anyone that would even be close to her qualifications. 

Seth had no need for a wife.  He was determined to find the hidden treasure. 

So how did Seth and Daisy land up married and on a treasure hunt together?

This is Book 2 of the Bride Ships New Voyages Series.  I read Book one and loved it.  Book 2 is even better.  I really liked Daisy.  She was a treasure.  Did Seth see the treasure that was right there beside him?

Thank you, Jody Hedlund, for giving me the opportunity to read and review this wonderful story.



Jody Hedlund is the bestselling author of The Doctor's Lady and The Preacher's Bride. Jody has received much industry recognition, most recently being awarded an ACFW 2014 Carol Award in the Historical Romance category for her novel, 'A Noble Groom'.

In addition to this, Jody has also received the 2011 Inspirational Reader's Choice Award; the 2011 Award of Excellence from the Colorado Romance Writers; and was a finalist for Best Debut Novel in the 2011 ACFW Carol Awards.

Currently she makes her home in Michigan with her husband and five busy children.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Springtime in Surrey


I'm sitting here in dreary February reading an anthology about Spring.  Spring can't come any faster for me in cold Michigan.  This book includes eight sweet stories based in Surrey.  The collection was a mixture of contemporary and historical.  I lean towards historical stories.  I wasn't disappointed at all with this anthology.  I was touched by many.


I can't pick one of the stories as my favorite.  I did enjoy some more than others. I have never read any of these authors before.  Each story was Christened based.  I appreciate that.  I wasn't shocked by anything written. 

I won't bore you with a play by play of each tale.  I recommend you pick up a copy.  It's a long anthology with over 400 pages but it was a quick read for me.  I'm sure you will enjoy it like I did.

I received this from Celebrate Lit to review.

Blog Stops

Alena Mentink, April 5

Devoted To Hope, April 5

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 6

Texas Book-aholic, April 7

Lighthouse Academy Blog, April 8 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

She Lives To Read, April 9

Locks, Hooks and Books, April 10

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, April 11

Pause for Tales, April 11

Cover Lover Book Review, April 12

Batya’s Bits, April 13

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, April 14 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, April 14

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, April 15

For Him and My Family, April 16

Blossoms and Blessings, April 17

Holly’s Book Corner , April 18

Jeanette’s Thoughts, April 18

About the Book

Book: Springtime in Surrey

Authors: Faith Blum, Andrea Renee Cox, Bailey Gaines, Katja H. Labonté, Grace A. Johnson, Rachel Leitch, Erika Mathews, and Kellyn Roth

Genre: Christian Women’s Fiction, Historical and Contemporary

Release Date: July 25, 2023

Springtime in Surrey, the first collection releasing with Wild Blue Wonder Press, is a Christian anthology featuring eight lovely stories. With a mix of historical and contemporary, romance and women’s fiction, a dash of mystery here and there, real-life themes presented in a loving way, and a vintage feel, this story is sure to charm lovers of Christian women’s fiction.

Jesus, I Am Resting by Faith Blum

Elinor Chapman, an orphaned laundry woman, must fight to survive after WWI breaks out. She prays her beau doesn’t die on a foreign battlefield like her father did 14 years ago. She is forced to take on nursing, but her passion for helping other orphans distracts her from this job, leaving her little time for rest. Will she run herself into the ground … or will she learn to rest in Jesus?

The Cottage on the Hill by Andrea Renee Cox

During every teatime at her cottage hideaway, Moira struggles to discover hope amongst her lost ballerina dreams. Unsettled by elusive goals of his own, sheep farmer Adrian observes his uncle’s neighbor crying into her tea and wonders why… and what he can do to cheer her up. While facing their regrets, can Moira and Adrian trust that God has a good plan despite crushed dreams and far-off hopes?

If I Knew You Were Coming by Bailey Gaines

With her husband off to war and two evacuee children staying in her home, Joan feels duty-bound to contribute to the war effort via her participation in the Women’s Land Army. She is thrilled to learn that her husband has leave. But when the London Blitz ruins her plans to see him, Joan must decide what is most important in her life: her contribution to the war effort or her calling as a mother?

Her Heart’s Home by Grace A. Johnson

Forced from her childhood home after her father was killed in action, Meredith Tate is forced to seek employment at the Deepdene Hotel until she discovers the next step. Which most certainly does not include the brooding Captain Trevor Seaton, a guest who always manages to catch her at her worst. Despite his gentle magnetism, Meredith is determined not to fall for a military man—but God may have other plans.

The Tussie-Mussie by Katja H. Labonté

Caitrìona is determined to rescue her family from poverty by making a brilliant match. She is on the verge of success when her brother is arrested for a sensational crime. Banished to the country, she meets Ewart, a fearful recluse with a younger sister in need of aid. Ewart and Caitrìona grow together through shared goals—but as mysteries are uncovered and characters tested, what truth will be revealed?

The Odd Duck Society by Rachel Leitch

Jessamy Aubertine is too much for her university classmates, too little for her overstressed mum, and nothing in between. Then a mysterious letter signed by Jane Austen brings her back to her family’s fading tea shop and a pair of unlikely comrades. Will they find the letter writer—and perhaps discover themselves along the way? Or will their friendship fade with The Muses?

Fear Not Tomorrows by Erika Mathews

Hardworking Margaret Enfield is thrilled with her engagement to her lifelong best friend Lester. When his brother’s sudden illness forces Lester’s prolonged and indefinite absence, every tomorrow feels bleak to Margaret as lonely drudgery overtakes the once-rosy springtime. As she throws herself into her tasks, can she learn to trust her tomorrows with Jesus—one day at a time?

Courage to Stay by Kellyn Roth

Rosalind finds herself engaged to Matthias after her former fiancé, his brother, perishes in battle. Determined to forge a connection, she embarks on a risky mission. When Matthias retreats into his own turmoil on a hunting trip, Rosalind disguises herself as a man and follows him to the forest, vowing to fight for their love. Will Matthias summon the courage to stay, or will his fractured mind drive them apart forever?

Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Wild Blue Wonder Press was established in January 2016 by Kellyn Roth for the purpose of independently publishing her historical women’s fiction series, The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy. Based on a special location on her family’s property and a childhood stumbling over phrases, Kellyn chose the name to evoke feelings of wonder in a world full of dark valleys. After all, where there is snow and ice, there will be chickadees, and in the midst of the darkest woods, you can often find a cozy cabin. Wild Blue Wonder Press is now working with other creatives to expand its outreach and help other independent writers achieve their dreams in a professional manner.

More from Kellyn

Hey everyone! I’m Kellyn Roth, owner of Wild Blue Wonder Press and one of the authors on the Springtime in Surrey collection. I just wanted to come on here today and talk briefly about Surrey—and specifically answer the question I’m sure many of you had in your minds when you learned that the novella collection was set in this English county: “Why Surrey?!”

As authors, we often find inspiration in the places we call home … but sometimes it’s more fun to find inspiration far afield!

The landscapes, the people, and the unique atmosphere of a location can and should shape the stories we tell. Though none of our authors are actually natives of Surrey, our stories are set there! So why?

Well, I’ll tell you.

Reason #1: There’s a Lot of History in Surrey

Surrey is a place steeped in history, with tales that date back centuries. It has links to the Magna Carta and played a heavy role in the English Civil War. A lot of historical figures came from Surrey or spent significant amounts of time there.

Quite a few of our stories are set in history, and the ones that aren’t bear some vintage link that ties them back to the “olden days.” There’s such beauty in history, and as a historical author, I love featuring stories that delve back into the past!

Reason #2: It’s Gorgeous There!

Surrey’s landscapes provide an idyllic backdrop for storytelling—our Pinterest board will tell you that much! From the rolling hills of the North Downs to the tranquil beauty of the “Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty” (what a mouthful!), this county offers an abundance of scenic vistas that captivate both locals and visitors alike.

We hoped to transport our readers to a place of natural wonder and evoke a sense of serenity through the quaint settings. Some of our stories take place in the countryside—and some in villages or towns. But all of them are so atmospheric and fun!

Reason #3: All the Quaint Villages and Towns

One of the defining characteristics of Surrey is its charming villages and towns, each with its own distinct character and charm. From the cobblestone streets of Guildford to the historic market town of Farnham, these locales are brimming with personality and provide a sense of community that is often lost in larger cities.

By setting some of our stories in these close-knit communities, we hope to capture the essence of Surrey’s rural charm and the warmth of its residents. I mean, who doesn’t love a village? (I’m a fan!)

Reason #4: It’s Close to London

While Surrey is known for its rural beauty, its proximity to London makes everything a little easier for us authors. The county acts as a gateway to the capital, allowing for the infusion of city life and providing opportunities for our characters to embark on exciting adventures beyond the county’s borders … or to have them be “running away” from something, as is the case in some stories.

Though alliteration did play a role, as you may have guessed, Surrey’s draws spoke for themselves—and I’m so glad we chose this dynamic county!

Join us as we embark on this literary exploration of Surrey, England!


To celebrate her tour, Kellyn is giving away the grand prize package of a $100 Amazon gift card and a paperback copy of Springtime in Surrey!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Monday, April 8, 2024

The Cottage in Sweet Meadow Park


Molly always dreamed of owning the cottage. But did she make a mistake when she bought it?  It was located in a rundown park called Sweet Meadow.  Molly found that it was not as sweet as she thought it was. What can she do about it now?

The cottage was going to be a challenge. Could Molly make it the home she always dreamed of? 

Molly had no idea that this sweet, little cottage would change her life.  

It's a darling story with characters that you become attached to.  

I received this book from Boldwood to review.




The Cottage in Sweet Meadow Park

Enjoy a stroll in the park with this uplifting story of love, friendship and following your dreams. 

When Molly Brown buys a derelict cottage in the middle of a rundown park, she hopes to return both the cottage and the park to their former glory. However, Molly soon begins to wonder whether she’s bitten off more than she can chew, especially when the good-looking guy from the council refuses to help.

In his role as Parks and Highways Officer, Jack Feathers doesn’t want to waste public funds on an overgrown, unloved park, no matter how gorgeous Molly is. But when he finds himself needing somewhere to live, Molly makes him an offer he can’t refuse – to move into her spare room, rent-free.

The catch? He has to help bring the park back to life.

It seems to be an ideal solution, until… Molly falls for Jack, the park is vandalised, and she realises he is still in love with his ex.

And soon Molly begins to regret letting Jack into her home, her life and her heart.

A delightful romance full of warmth, humour and community spirit, perfect for fans of Jessica Redland and Suzanne Snow.

Purchase Link -

Author Bio – 
Liz Davies writes feel-good, light-hearted stories with a hefty dose of romance, a smattering of humour, and a great deal of love.

She's married to her best friend, has one grown-up daughter, and when she isn't scribbling away in the notepad she carries with her everywhere (just in case inspiration strikes), you'll find her searching for that perfect pair of shoes. She loves to cook but isn't very good at it, and loves to eat - she's much better at that! Liz also enjoys walking (preferably on the flat), cycling (also on the flat), and lots of sitting around in the garden on warm, sunny days.

She currently lives with her family in Wales, but would ideally love to buy a camper van and travel the world in it.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Sandcastle Inn

We think we know everything about our parents.  But do we really? 

Vienna and her mother didn't always agree.  But when she lost her job, her Mother was the first one she ran to. 

Paige had to stand up to her father years ago. It cost her.  Her Father also paid the price. 

Matt couldn't forgive himself for the past. If he couldn't, how could anyone else?

Vienna, Amy and Matt discovered that nothing is always as it seems.  

I have really enjoyed reading all the Hope Harbor books. I can rely on great stories with wonderful characters.

I received this from Celebrate Lit to review.

About the Book

Book: Sandcastle Inn

Author: Irene Hannon

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: April 2, 2024

Vienna Price never intended to return for more than a passing visit to Oregon and all the bad memories she’d left behind. But when your career tanks, home is where you go to nurse your wounds and chart a new course. Only temporarily, of course—because as much as she loves her quirky mom, anything more than a short stay would drive them both crazy.

A trip to Oregon isn’t in Matt Quinn’s plans, either, until a perfectly timed appeal for help arrives from his sister. What better place to decompress after a shattering loss than a quiet, seaside town named Hope Harbor? But R&R isn’t on the agenda when he arrives to find his sister’s new enterprise on life support.

Vienna, however, may have just the skills needed to resuscitate the foundering B&B—if Matt can convince her to hang around long enough to mend an inn . . . and his heart.


Click here to get your copy!


Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 4

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, April 4

Texas Book-aholic, April 5

Blogging With Carol, April 5

Locks, Hooks and Books, April 6

For Him and My Family, April 6

Jeanette’s Thoughts, April 7

Splashes of Joy, April 7

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, April 8

She Lives To Read, April 8

lakesidelivingsite, April 9

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, April 10

Southern Gal Loves to Read, April 10

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, April 11 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, April 11

Cover Lover Book Review, April 12

The Lofty Pages, April 13

Melissa’s Bookshelf, April 13

Blossoms and Blessings, April 14

Labor Not in Vain, April 14

Wishful Endings, April 15

By The Book, April 15

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, April 16

Pause for Tales, April 16

Batya’s Bits, April 17

JESUS in the EVERYDAY, April 17

About the Author

Irene Hannon is the bestselling and award-winning author of more than 60 contemporary romance and romantic suspense novels. In addition to her many other honors, she is a three-time winner of the prestigious RITA Award from Romance Writers of America. She is also a member of RWA’s elite Hall of Fame and has received a Career Achievement Award from RT Book Reviews for her entire body of work.

More from Irene

In my world, the approach of April signals not only tulips, dogwoods, and daffodils, but a return to my little seaside town of Hope Harbor on the Oregon coast. And this year marks a milestone. Sandcastle Inn is the tenth book set in this charming locale.

When I conceived of this series back in 2013, neither I nor my editor had any idea how long it would run—or that Publishers Weekly would deem my small fictional town “a place of emotional restoration that readers will yearn to visit.”

But visit they have. Hundreds of thousands of copies of the books have been sold worldwide, the novels have been translated into multiple languages, and taco-making artist/town sage Charley Lopez has become an iconic figure.

It’s been an amazing journey—with more books to come.

If you’ve never visited Hope Harbor and are reluctant to dive in at this stage, no worries. Each book stands alone, with a whole new cast of main characters. Each story also begins and ends in each book, with no hanging plot threads from book to book. The town is the unifying element in the series—along with a few secondary characters like Charley, the bantering town clerics from neighboring churches, and the seagull couple Floyd and Gladys, who always seem to be around when romance is in the air.

If you’re new to the series, Sandcastle Inn is a fine jumping-off point. This story features a hero struggling to recoup from a tragic loss and a heroine still reeling from an unplanned career detour. When they join forces to save a floundering inn, challenges ensue…and sparks fly. Because if it’s Hope Harbor, there has to be romance!

The book resonates with multiple other themes too—dealing with grief, moving on, changing direction, mending past relationships, taking a leap of faith. And of course there’s a happy ending.

It’s the kind of book that will put a smile on your lips and hope in your heart.

So I invite you to find a comfy spot, pour a mug or cup of your favorite beverage, and travel with me to Hope Harbor, where hearts heal…and love blooms.

Insider’s Tip: If you ever decide to book a stay at Sandcastle Inn, ask for the seaside room upstairs at the end of the hall that leads to the right. The view is stunning!


To celebrate her tour, Irene is giving away the grand prize package of a full set of the Hope Harbor series (10 books) and a $50 gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

The Island Girls

Sometimes we find ourselves doing the unimaginable.   Peggy discovered that she had the emotional and physical strength to accomplish the im...