Thursday, November 30, 2023

The Library Girls of the East End

Cordelia was different from the East End Girls.  But was she really?

A page turner that introduced a new series by Patricua McBride.  I enjoyed meeting Cordelia, Mavis and Jane. Each had a story to tell.  But the relationship that grew from them working together was a treasure.

Schools were closing. Buildings were destroyed.  War threaten their own existence.   Lives were forever changed.  

Cordelia did everything she could to keep the library open.  

A great story.  I read it in one night.


#blog tour

The Library Girls of the East End

1940, London

When Cordelia accepts the post of head librarian in Silver Town Library, her mother is more than a little disapproving. The East End has high levels of poverty and illiteracy, and her mother says it’s no place for a woman of her status.

But Cordelia is determined to make a difference in these times of strife, and along with her colleagues, Jane and Mavis, she begins to help the local community, making sure everyone knows what the library can offer them.

And maybe even a romance will blossom, giving Cordelia the strength to make it through the chaos and destruction that constantly threatens their livelihood.

Against a background of war, air raids and rationing, it becomes clear the library is more than a building filled with books - it is the beating heart of a community refusing to be torn apart.

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Author Bio –

Patricia McBride is the author of the very popular Lily Baker historical saga series. She is now writing a new WW2 series for Boldwood, based in the East End of London during the Blitz, the first title of which, The Library Girls of the East End, will be published in November 2023.

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Thursday, November 23, 2023

Whispers of Change


Debbie deserves all the happiness in the world.  She is finally going to marry Fritz.  Her dress is made. The food is being prepared.  But is she ready?  

This is Book 39 of the Bonnet Sisters.  I have really enjoyed getting to know each sister and their personal path.  They each have a story to tell. 

Will Debbie find what she is looking for?  Will Wilma find it too quiet after Debbie leaves?  I can't wait for Favor's baby to come. I need to learn more about Gabe.  What place does he have in future books?  

There is so much to look forward to in future books. I'm ready for more adventures with the sisters.  There is a WHISPER OF CHANGE for everyone.


About the author

Samantha Price is a USA Today bestselling author of Amish romance books and cozy mysteries. She was raised Brethren and has a deep affinity for the Amish way of life, which she has explored extensively with over a decade of research.

She is mother to two pampered rescue cats, and a very spoiled staffy with separation issues.

Samantha loves to hear from her readers. Connect at:

Twitter @AmishRomance

Friday, November 10, 2023

Trouble at Fishers Wharf

War is a terrible thing.  Ruth's two brothers were far away serving their country.  She didn't know what to do. She couldn't leave her father.  She volunteers at the Fishermen's Mission.

Ruth thought she was there to serve others.  But she learns much more about herself.  

You can't help liking Ruth.  A lot of her decisions are made by her heart.  And this has caused some heartbreak.

I think I know who I want her to land up with.  I won't tell but I can forsee a future book telling that story.  

I received this from the publisher to review this book.




Trouble at Fishers Wharf

The winds of war bring uncertainty but also opportunity…

With the outbreak of War, the fishing fleet is confined to port, bringing hardship to the families and businesses of Fishers Wharf.

Ruth Evans awaits the safe return of her father’s last trawler carrying her wayward brother Henry, the future of the family business. But unbeknown to their father, Henry sees war as a chance to break free from the constraints of his privileged background and follow his heart.

Much is expected of Ruth. Her marriage to Arthur Marshall will help realise her father’s dream uniting two of the largest trawler companies in Grimsby. But will Ruth choose the path of duty or destiny?

Ruth’s friendship with hardworking Letty Hardy sustains her. Separated by class, they are united through their work for the Fishermen’s Mission as Letty battles to keep her business and family afloat while husband Alec serves on the minesweepers.

Can they navigate the treacherous waters ahead – or will they be caught by hidden dangers?

Purchase Link -

Author Bio –

Tracy Baines is the bestselling saga writer of The Variety Girls series, originally published by Ebury, which Boldwood will continue with. She was born and brought up in Cleethorpes and spent her early years in the theatre world which inspired her writing. The first title of her new saga series for Boldwood – set amongst the fisherfolk of Grimsby – will be published in October 2022.

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Monday, November 6, 2023

The Warsaw Sisters

I made a big mistake.  I read this before bed.  I couldn't get it out of my mind.  I did finish this in a couple of nights.  I had to find out how it ended. 

My husband is Polish.  I know nothing about Polish history.  This book gave me much more than I bargained for.  The story is about two sisters (Antonia and Helena) and what they must do to survive during the German invasion during WW2.  

The two sisters had interesting individual stories to be told as well as their shared experiences.   I often found myself with tears as I turned the page one after another. It was sickening to read what happened to ordinary citizens especially the Jewish people during this time.  So much suffering.

The book was excellent even though hard to read at times.  

I received this from Revell to review.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Home for an Amish Christmas


Two lonely people coming home for Christmas.  

I can remember coming home for Christmas when I lived in another State.   So many memories.  The memory of being greeted at the door by Mom.   The hugs I received from the family and the delicious dinner just waiting to be served.  

 Ellen and Captain Mark Beller felt the same.  Sue was returning to her little boy after working away from home.  Pete returning to his family after serving in the military for 7 years. 

They both knew disappointment. They both were hoping for a better future. 

I enjoyed this short novella.  It had everything I love in a book: Amish, Christmas and Romance.

I received this story to review.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

The Christmas Love Letters


Ruthie had a romance that they write books about.  Unfortunately, it wasn't happily ever after.  But could she finally find the happiness she deserves?

A very sweet love story that continues with Ruthie's niece, Maddy and Raff.  Maddy was just trying to survive after her husband disappeared 7 years ago.  With her Great Aunt's help, she made a home for her daughter.

I enjoyed the twist and turns of the story.  I rejoiced at the ending as Christmas is the time for love.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Her Secret Hope


Lilly left home to Pinecraft, Florida.  Her friends were there.  She hoped for a new beginning and a chance to live the life she always dreamed of.

Lilly's discovery was that everything doesn't go as you expect it to.  She was with her friends but it still left her longing for what they had.  

A chance meeting with November changed her life completely.  Can Lilly find the happiness she longs for?  

Lilly learns that happiness is within her grasp.  But is it worth the risk?

I enjoyed getting to know Lilly.  November is an older Amish grandmother that plays matchmaker between Lilly and her grandson, Eddie.  It's cute how she goes about putting them together.

I received this ebook from Revell to review.


Garden of the Midnights

Wonderful characters that become real after a few chapters.  Isabelle was sheltered and grew up with no siblings.  Her closest friend was her maid, Bridget.

William grew up in a household of lies. He never experienced kindness except from the staff.

 Everything changed when William went to seek the truth.   

A very emotional read.  I loved the book and was moved by William and Isabelle's  story.  

Hannah Linder is a very talented author.  I have read two books by her and both were excellent.

I received this to review from Celebrate Lit.

About the Book

Book: Garden of the Midnights

Author: Hannah Linder

Genre: Christian Fiction / Historical / Romance

Release Date: October, 2023

Danger Lurks at Rosenleigh Manor

Enjoy another Gothic Style Regency from Hannah Linder.

The accidents are not a matter of chance. They are deliberate. As English gentleman William Kensley becomes aware of the danger at Rosenleigh, he pleads for truth from the only man he can trust—until that man is murdered.

As the secrets unfold into scandal, William’s world is tipped into destitution—leaving him penniless and alone. His only comfort is in the constant love of Isabella Gresham, but even that has been threatened. When a hidden foe arises from their acquaintances and imperils Isabella’s life, will William be the only one willing to rescue her? And even if he saves Isabella from her captors, will he still have to forsake her heart?


Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

Hannah Linder resides in the beautiful mountains of central West Virginia. Represented by Books & Such, she writes Regency romantic suspense novels. She is a double 2021 Selah Award winner, a 2022 Selah Award finalist, and a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). Hannah is a Graphic Design Associates Degree graduate who specializes in professional book cover design. She designs for both traditional publishing houses and individual authors, including New York Times, USA Today, and International bestsellers. She is also a local photographer and a self-portrait photographer. When Hannah is not writing, she enjoys playing her instruments—piano, guitar, and ukulele—songwriting, painting still life, walking in the rain, and sitting on the front porch of her 1800s farmhouse. To follow her journey, visit

More from Hannah

Sometimes, the things we say we’ll never do are exactly the things we find ourselves doing.

Back when I was still wearing two braids and walking around barefoot everywhere, I told myself I would never make a speech. Never. But by the time high school graduation came along, despite a thousand firm declarations that I wouldn’t, my mother shook her head. “I think you should do it,” she said—and because mothers are usually right, I did.

Granted, I read the speech off a folded sheet of copy paper because I was too nervous to face the crowd. And my knees were jelly. And I stood off-centered on the stage instead of behind the pulpit like anyone else.

But I did it.

For the rest of my life, I’ll look back and remember what it felt like. Standing on the stage, reading my heart, hearing the sniffles and glancing up to see tears glistening in the eyes of endless people I love.

That was special. Mother was right.

Want to know another thing I said I would never do? Re-write a novel. I’ve heard the stories all my life. The author second guesses their own ability and burns their manuscript. Then, years later, they rewrite the story that echoes through the ages as a classic. Or the novelist loses their entire document to a computer crash, so with a blank page and a blinking cursor, they start anew.

I never thought that was something I could do.

I never wanted to.

If I ever lost a novel or was prompted to start over, I would abandon ship and try for a different vessel. Anyway, that’s what I told myself.

Garden of the Midnights was the story I wrote many years ago when I was younger, when I knew less about manors and England and history. I made mistakes. I broke writing rules. I did too little research and too much overwriting…but it had my soul. Somehow, it was alive. The characters breathed. The tears in their pillow, the aches in their throat, became a part of who I was and what I felt.

This was the one. The story I loved most.

But the edits and the mistakes and the problems overwhelmed me. Like the fearful girl in braids who refused to make a speech, I wanted to throw in the towel and say with even more defiance, “I will never re-write a novel. Never.”

But Mother knew what was needed. She knew the story was too much a part of me to tuck away in some drawer, forgotten and dusty, unread by anyone. So she nodded her head and said, “I think you should do it.”

I didn’t want to.

I was afraid because it wasn’t easy.

But because mothers are usually right, I did. Now, Garden of the Midnights is ready. My heart is still tangled in all the words, all the twists, all the secrets—but this time more, because the book has yet another part of me. The part that was fearful. The part that was too close to quitting. The part that finished anyway.

For the rest of my life, I’ll look back and be thankful. When someone writes me a note that they enjoyed the book, or gets a whimsical tone to their voice when they talk about a scene, or looks up from the pages with tears shimmering in their eyes.

That will be special. Mother was right.


To celebrate her tour, Hannah is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon e-gift card and a print copy of the book!!


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The Island Girls

Sometimes we find ourselves doing the unimaginable.   Peggy discovered that she had the emotional and physical strength to accomplish the im...