Friday, February 23, 2024

A Wartime Welcome from the Foyles Bookshop Girls

Ellen was the oldest.  She took the responsibility of the house after her mother died.  She wanted to get a job but her father was strict and forbid her from looking.  Until one day it became a necessity for her to earn an income.

A wonderful story of Ellen and her experiences in the workplace. She worked part-time at two jobs. She was employed at the newspaper and at a bookstore she frequented often since she was a child.    She loved what she was doing especially at Foyle's Bookshop.  The friendships she made and the support they gave her at Foyle's was much more than she ever imagined.

Ellen was on a mission to prove her father was innocent of any wrongdoing after he was arrested for being a spy.  With the help of her family and friends she made at the store and at the newspaper, she set out to discover who was the "real" spy.  

I enjoyed the book and became fond of Ellen and her family.  She learned that asking for help is not a weakness. 

I received this book to review from Boldwood Books.



A Wartime Welcome from the Foyles Bookshop Girls

London, 1918: the world is being torn apart by war, but for the girls of London’s Foyles bookshop, where there is friendship, there is hope… Perfect for fans of Rosie Clarke and Elaine Everest.

Ellen Beckford and her sister Mary are living under their father’s shadow. Before their beloved mother died, they had dreamed of bright futures, but torn apart by grief, Harold Beckford barely lets his daughters out of his sight. Then Harold is injured during a break-in at his office at London’s docklands, and can no longer work. And with prices rising and food scarce, Ellen has no choice but to defy her father’s rules and seek employment. She finds a position at London’s renowned Foyles bookshop, and the other shop girls quickly take her under their wing.

But there are dark times ahead. Ellen’s father is accused of gathering intelligence from the docklands for the enemy, and the police seem determined to see him shot for spying. With the help of her new friends, can Ellen clear her father’s name and save her family from destitution?

Purchase Link

Author Bio – 

Elaine Roberts is the bestselling author of historical sagas set in London during the First World War. Previously published by Aria, she is bringing her successful Foyles Girls titles to Boldwood who will publish the fourth in this series in February 2024.

Social Media Links –  



Bookbub profile: Elaine Roberts Books - BookBub

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Finally His Bride

Willow and Caleb are the best of friends.  They both couldn't imagine being apart from each other.  Willow didn't want to leave her home, her family and Caleb.  Her parents insisted she leave the next day on a ship bound for the Pacific Northwest.   It was her best chance to have a better life.

Caleb made sure Willow wouldn't be alone on this journey even if he had to break a promise to her.

A willow tree bends its branches towards water.  It is resilient.  It adapts to its environment.  Willow does what she needs to.  She is stronger than she knows.  She can survive.  She could survive without Caleb.  But did she want to??

I was frustrated that Caleb and Willow didn't recognize or verbalize their true feelings for each other.  They both were frightened of the change it would bring to their relationship if acknowledged.  Can you imagine what could have been lost if it wasn't?

There were quite a few characters  that I loved.  Jonas, Isaac and Frannie were my favorites.  They risked all to help Caleb and Willow out.

I was extremely pleased to see that there will be a continuation of this series, Bride Ships : New Voyages.

I was given the opportunity to obtain a copy of this book to review from the author.

Jody Hedlund is the best-selling author of over forty books and is the winner of numerous awards. She writes sweet historical romances with plenty of sizzle.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

A Season of Harvest

How often can you say you have a joyful heart after reading a book?  But I can.  I just finished this moving story about the Nielsen Family. They are a loving family that are beyond blessed. 

Lark was stubborn and rarely asked for help.  Lilac was artistic and sweet tempered.  They depended on each other.  Both worked extremely hard to keep their homestead running to the point of exhaustion. 

Everyone has their struggles.  But it seems Lark has more than her fair share.  The people of Sheridan are there to get her through.  Isaac McTavish wants to help but Lark keeps him at a distance. 

I have been a reader of Lauraine Snelling's books for a few years.  She is a fantastic storyteller.  I have loved every one.

I received this book from Celebrate Lit to review.  



About the Book

Book: A Season of Harvest

Author: Lauraine Snelling

Genre: Historical Fiction

Release Date: January 30, 2024

Can her dreams for the future–and a budding romance–survive the trouble that comes calling?

Larkspur Nielsen is determined to keep her family homestead running and to fulfill their dream of starting a seed catalog, with or without her siblings’ help. With Isaac McTavish back in town, Lark finds herself at odds with her own heart and her determination to shoulder the burden of carrying her responsibilities alone. But Isaac is set on convincing her that he’s here to stay and she doesn’t have to carry everything by herself.

As a new romance blossoms between Lilac and an old schoolmate and the other Nielsen sisters are busy caring for their families, Lark bears more and more responsibility on the farm. When a long-feared threat returns and Lark approaches the breaking point, the life she has always dreamed of is in danger of disappearing forever.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Lauraine Snelling is the award-winning author of nearly one-hundred books, fiction and nonfiction, for adults and young adults. Her books have sold more than five million copies. She makes her home in Tehachapi, California.

More from Lauraine

Please provide a brief summary of your new novel, A Season of Harvest.

Lauraine Snelling: With her three sisters all finding their own paths of life and love, Larkspur Nielsen determines to shoulder their family farm and business dream herself and stay single—even if drifter Isaac McTavish, claiming he’s back in town for good, now seeks her heart. When danger from the past comes knocking, Lark must choose whether to insist on going it alone or accept the love and support God—and Isaac—hold out.

Each of the previous books in your current series, Leah’s Garden, follows a different Neilsen sister as the main character. What led you to save Larkspur’s story for the series conclusion?

LS: I’d actually planned Larkspur’s story to be first since she’s the oldest. However, once The Seeds of Change started coming together, Forsythia took over the story! So the first book became hers.

Loyalty plays a key role in A Season of Harvest. Without giving spoilers, can you hint at why loyalty is at the core of the story?

LS: Loyalty threads through the whole series. These sisters are loyal to each other, to their friends, and to everyone they know. Through all the books, they take care of each other so faithfully. Even their initial departure from Ohio stems from drastic action they take to protect each other and their family. Loyalty then streams over into other characters in the series, especially Isaac McTavish, who really grows into loyalty in this book. Even our villain stays loyal to his purpose all the way through.

Which of the four Neilsen sisters do you personally resonate with the most?

LS: Truth be told, I resonate with each of them. But really, I tend to identify with whichever one I’m writing at the moment! ðŸ˜Š

A Season of Harvest returns to a major conflict from the first book in the series, The Seeds of Change. Was it always in your plan to circle back and address that conflict again in the series conclusion?

LS: It wasn’t always in our plan, but as the book came together, it became inevitable. One benefit of a great editor is that they sometimes contribute ideas, and my editor, Jessica Sharpe, pointed out how key it would be for Ringwald to confront Larkspur at the end of the series. As the book went on, it became so important to resolve that conflict, and we kept the villain in the stories just enough to keep readers from forgetting about him.

What do you hope readers learn or take away from this series?

LS: A reminder of how important our families are. The Nielsens stood by each other in so many crises, and that’s what I would hope readers take away—just a reminder of how important your family is and how absolutely critical faith in Christ is. Salton becomes a place of healing, a place for people to recover joy. That we have so many joys and things to learn in this life is a theme that weaves through all my books.

What led you to set these stories in the homesteading period? How was the setting important to the story you wanted to tell?

LS: It’s one of my favorite periods! The homesteading era was such a time of change and adventure. As for why Nebraska, I hadn’t set stories there very much yet. For Kiersti, it was special to join in on The Seeds of Change and get to write about Nebraska homesteaders living in a soddy because her great-grandfather, a son of Danish immigrants, was born in a soddy in Nebraska in the late 1800s.

Is this truly the last your readers will see of the Neilsen sisters and the rest of their community?

LS: As far as we know!

Now that you’ve wrapped up the Leah’s Garden series, what are you working on next?

LS: A series set in 1889 near Decorah, Iowa. Six-year-old Ruth and twenty-one-year-old Amalia are thrown together on a ship crossing over from Norway when their families die of cholera. Ruth’s dying mother gives her daughter into Amalia’s custody, and the two orphans travel to Iowa to take over the family boardinghouse Ruth will inherit. They must battle a greedy relative trying to claim the property and somehow make ends meet for the motley band of orphans who gather under their roof, while finding a way to make this new land home.

Blog Stops

Wishful Endings, February 5

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, February 5

Locks, Hooks and Books, February 6

Texas Book-aholic, February 7

The Avid Reader, February 7

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, February 8

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, February 9 (Author Interview)

Books You Can Feel Good About, February 9

She Lives to Read, February 10

Jeanette’s Thoughts, February 11

Mary Hake, February 11

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, February 12

For Him and My Family, February 13

Splashes of Joy, February 13

Holly’s Book Corner, February 14

Cover Lover Book Review, February 15

Connie’s History Classroom , February 16

Paula’s Pad of Inspiration, February 16

Live. Love. Read., February 17

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, February 17

lakesidelivingsite, February 18

Pause for Tales, February 18


To celebrate her tour, Lauraine is giving away the grand prize package of a $15 Amazon gift card and a paperback set of all four books in the Leah’s Garden Series: The Seeds of Change, A Time to Bloom, Fields of Bounty, and A Season of Harvest!! (US Only)

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

The Island Girls

Sometimes we find ourselves doing the unimaginable.   Peggy discovered that she had the emotional and physical strength to accomplish the im...