Monday, May 31, 2021

Bridge of Gold

A holiday weekend and a new book to read.  I was excited to jump right in and get to know the characters in this book.  And jump I did!!!!  I was quickly turning the pages and learning about the occupations of diving and the building of The Golden Gate Bridge.   

The book was one of intrigue and mystery.  Who was threatening them?  Who were the dead bodies that were discovered in the shipwreck? 

Kayla was an underwater archaeologist.  I never knew a job like that existed.  It didn't sound like a job I would want.  It sounded interesting but a little to dangerous for me.  She would do research on her findings and provide clues to the past.  

Kayla had a problem dealing with her own past. She was excellent on the job but in her own life she struggled.  The answer to her struggles was leaving it up to GOD.  

Deuteronomy 31:6. New International Version ... Be strong and courageous. ... Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.

Series: Doors to the Past, Book 1
Genre: Historical Fiction
Publisher: Barbour Books
Publication Year: JUN 2021
ISBN: 1643529579
Buy from Christian Book Distributor
Buy from Books-A-Million
Buy from Amazon

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Come Back to Me by Jody Hedlund


Jody Hedlund enters the world of time travel.  A story of desperation.  A tale of finding what you were not looking for. 

Marian must go back in time to save her family.  In her journey, she discovers so much more than she bargained for.  

William has all what he needs in 1300s.  He thinks..  But after seeing Marian, he knows that she was meant to be his.  And his alone.  He will never let her go.  

A very romantic story that had me up late to finish it.  This is Book one of the Waters of Time Series.  I will be waiting for the next installment.    

Come Back To Me was a wonderful adventure with knights and fair ladies.  Love and War.  

A great beginning to my holiday weekend.  

Psalm 23:4

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

Friday, May 21, 2021

The Jam and Jelly Nook


A story of new beginnings.  A chance to heal.  An opportunity to grow.

This book explores the topic of healing and moving forward.  We all experience setbacks one time or another.  How we handle these setbacks determines our future.  

Emory and Leanna never expected to find themselves in this situation.  Could they ignore the attraction they felt for each other?  

At times, I was frustrated with Emory.  He made things much more difficult for himself.  He wasn't listening to himself and to GOD.  It was almost too late.

Amy Clipston is an award-winning bestselling author and has been writing for as long as she can remember. She's sold more than one million books, and her fiction writing “career” began in elementary school when she and a close friend wrote and shared silly stories. She has a degree in communications from Virginia Wesleyan University and is a member of the Authors Guild, American Christian Fiction Writers, and Romance Writers of America. Amy works full-time for the City of Charlotte, NC, and lives in North Carolina with her husband, two sons, mother, and five spoiled rotten cats.

Early Years

A native of New Jersey, I've been writing for as long as I can remember. I often joke that my fiction writing “career” began in elementary school when I wrote and shared silly stories with a close friend. However, throughout school, I only considered writing a hobby, and I never dreamt of being an author.
After I graduated from high school, and my parents and I moved to Virginia Beach, Virginia. My father retired, and my mother went to work full-time. I attended Virginia Wesleyan University in Norfolk, and I graduated with a degree in communications. I met my husband, Joe, during my senior year in college, a few days after my father had a massive stroke. Joe and I clicked instantly, and after a couple of months we started dating. We married four years later.
After graduating from VWU, I took a summer job with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District, which turned into an eleven-year career. I worked in the Public Affairs Office for four years and then moved into Planning as a writer/editor.
During that time, I continued writing for fun. It was something I did to escape stress and unwind. I didn't share the stories with anyone except for a couple of close friends. In fact, I was even afraid to admit to my husband that I wrote.

Writing as a Career

One day while surfing the Internet for a professional editor's group, I accidentally found a local fiction writing group, Chesapeake Romance Writers. I attended a meeting and I met writers in all stages of their careers. The group helped me realize that I did want to be an author, and it was my dream to see my name on the cover of one of my novels.
Through Chesapeake Romance Writers, I learned how to plot, write, and edit a novel, and I also learned how to pursue an agent. I signed with my first literary agent shortly before Joe and I moved my parents and our sons to North Carolina.
My dream came true when I sold my first book in 2007. Holding my first novel, A Gift of Grace, in my hands was exhilarating and surreal.

My Amish Books

My Amish series include the Kauffman Amish Bakery Series, the Hearts of the Lancaster Grand Hotel Series, the Amish Heirloom Series, the Amish Homestead Series, and the Amish Marketplace Series. Another series is coming soon! My books have achieved the Christian Fiction bestseller lists, including the CBA (Christian Book Association) bestseller list and the ECPA (Evangelical Christian Publishers Association) bestseller list.
I love writing about the Amish, and an Amish friend in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, helps me with my research. I was always fascinated with the Amish when I was a child. I remember visiting Lancaster County. I was drawn to their simplicity and faith. Due to my German heritage, I feel a loose connection to the Amish and their culture.
My plots come straight from my heart and all involve family issues intertwined with faith.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The Stranger Behind You by Carol Goodman

A story that leaves you guessing at every page.  I didn't know what to expect.  The ending was original and surprising.  

Joan was on a mission to find the truth.  Melissa needed to know the truth but was she ready. They both had to go to great lengths to uncover what really happened.  Was it worth the danger that they found themselves in?

I really enjoyed the story.  Joan and Melissa both had inner demons and turmoils that needed to be addressed. The outside world had no idea what they were going through.  They carried on in life the best they could.  Sounds like a lot of us?  

 I received a free ebook copy from William Morrow to give a honest review.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

At Lighthouse Point by Suzanne Woods Fisher

 There has to be another book so I can find out how things go for the whole family.  I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to jump right back into the lives of the residents at Three Sisters Island.  

Blaine felt she had something to prove.  In her opinion, her worth was based on her success in cooking.  She as well as her sisters were driven to succeed.  I wonder where that came from?

A new character in this book was Jean-Paul.  He was a friend that Blaine met in France.  He had the gifts of observing, listening and being straight forward in his advice.  I wasn't totally surprised by the decision he made for his future.

Why do we feel that our worth is based on whether we succeed or fail at something?  

12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

As I read this story, I thought back to my early years.  I was so focused on achieving a goal and to make others proud of me through my accomplishments.  Sure, my accomplishments allowed me to support my family but I failed to realize that I was already worthy.  My parents did not think more of me or loved me more because I graduated from college.  GOD doesn't love me because I had a job.  GOD loves me because I am one of his "chosen" people.  

Each sister discovered that their worth had nothing to do with a cell tower, having a successful counseling practice or a restaurant.  Their worth was in the relationships that they had with their family and the other residents in their community.  GOD "binds them all together in perfect unity". 

I received this book from Celebrate Lit to give a honest review.

About the Book

Book:  At Lighthouse Point

Author: Suzanne Woods Fisher

Genre: Christian Contemporary Romance

Release date: May 4, 2021

at lighthouseBlaine Grayson returns to Three Sisters Island with a grand plan–to take Camp Kicking Moose to the next level. Her dream starts to unravel when she discovers Moose Manor’s kitchen has been badly remodeled by her sister, Cam, who doesn’t know how to cook. Added to that blow is the cold shoulder given by her best friend, Artie Lotosky, now a doctor to the unbridged Maine islands.

As old wounds are opened, Blaine starts to wonder if she made a mistake by coming home. Little by little, she must let go of one dream to discover a new one, opening her heart to a purpose and a future she had never imagined.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

suzanneAward winning author Suzanne Woods Fisher writes for readers who have learned to expect the unexpected. With more than one million copies of her books sold worldwide, she is the bestselling author of more than 30 works, ranging from novels to non-fiction books to children’s books. Currently, she lives with her very big family in the East Bay.


More from Suzanne

10 Curious Facts about Lighthouses



People love lighthouses. There’s just something special about those sturdy sentinels with their beacons of light, patiently sweeping the water, their mournful and haunting wail of a foghorn. Longfollow’s poem, The Lighthouse, written in 1850, captured the allure so well:


And as the evening darkens, lo! how bright,
Through the deep purple of the twilight air,
Beams forth the sudden radiance of its light,
With strange, unearthly splendor in the glare!


“Unearthly splendor.” Wow, doesn’t that hit the nail on the head? A lighthouse, to me, represents a spiritual truth: Someone’s watching out for us, looking out for the dangers ahead, and always glad to welcome us home.



Here are 10 facts about lighthouses that you might not know:


  • THE FIRST KNOWN LIGHTHOUSE was Egypt’s Pharos of Alexandria, Egypt, built in the third century B.C. The lighthouse was made from a fire on a platform to warn sailors of the port’s entrance. This lighthouse was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.


  • THE OLDEST EXISTING LIGHTHOUSE IN THE WORLD is considered to be La Coruna in Spain that dates from ca. 20 B.C. A Roman lighthouse is located on the Cliffs of Dover in the UK that was constructed in 40 A.D.


  • THE UNITED STATES IS HOME to more lighthouses than any other country.


  • THE FIRST LIGHTHOUSE IN AMERICA was at Boston on Little Brewster Island (1716). The first keeper was George Worthylake who, sadly, was drowned, along with his wife and daughter, when returning to the island in 1718.


  • THE TALLEST LIGHTHOUSE is on Cape Hatteras, NC. Built in 1872, it reached 196 feet tall.


  • THE FIRST WEST COAST LIGHTHOUSE was built on Alcatraz Island in 1854.


  • DAYMARKS are the painted colors and patterns (diamonds, spirals and stripes) on lighthouse towers to distinguish them from each other.


  • LIGHTHOUSE KEEPING was one of the first U.S. government jobs available to women, as far back as the 19th century. Most obtained their position when their husband died or became incapacitated.


  • THE RANGE OF THE LIGHTHOUSE LIGHT produces a light seen 25 miles at sea.


  • ABOUT 700 LIGHTHOUSES are still in active use in the United States.


As I wrote the third book in the ‘Three Sisters island’ series, I just had to give that little charred lighthouse its day in the sun. It had patiently played a role in the first two books, waiting for its turn on center stage. Not only did its setting provide a very unexpected “WHAT? How did that happen?” conclusion to the series, it even stole the headline! The undisputed title: At Lighthouse Point.


Do you have a favorite lighthouse? If so, please add your picture in the comments below. Don’t forget to include its location.


Thanks for reading! Stay well, stay home, and read.



Blog Stops

lakesidelivingsite, May 11

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, May 11

Wishful Endings, May 11

The Avid Reader, May 12

Just Writing, May 12

The Write Escape, May 12

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 12

By The Book, May 13

HappyWhenReading, May 13

Mypreciousbitsandmusings, May 13

Texas Book-aholic, May 13

Inklings and notions, May 14

Cultivating Us, May 14

Blogging With Carol, May 14

Batya’s Bits , May 14

Betti Mace, May 15

Bizwings Blog, May 15

Southern Gal Loves to Read, May 15

For Him and My Family, May 15

deb’s Book Review, May 16

Jeanette’s Thoughts , May 16

HookMeInABook, May 16

Book Bites, Bee Stings, & Butterfly Kisses, May 16

Connie’s History Classroom, May 17

Lighthouse-Academy, May 17

Where Crisis & Christ Collide, May 17

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 18

Godly Book Reviews, May 18

Daysong Reflections, May 18

Mary Hake, May 18

Artistic Nobody, May 19 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 19

EmpowerMoms, May 19

SusanLovesBooks, May 19

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, May 20

Older & Smarter?, May 20

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, May 20

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, May 21

Simple Harvest Reads, May 21 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)

Splashes of Joy, May 21

Blossoms and Blessings, May 21

Through the Fire Blogs, May 22

Vicky Sluiter, May 22

Pause for Tales, May 22

Moments, May 22

She Lives To Read, May 23

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 23

Labor Not in Vain, May 23

Little Homeschool on the Prairie, May 24

Life, Love, Writing, May 24

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, May 24

Remembrancy, May 24


To celebrate her tour, Suzanne is giving away the grand prize of a $25 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


A collection of stories by Wanda, her daughter-in-law and her granddaughter.  What a wonderful opportunity to share their love of writing as well as for the Amish.  

The three stories demonstrates how GOD works in your life.  HE is there during good times and bad.  

The three stories were:

Wilma's Wish by Wanda Brunstetter

Martha's Miracle by Jean Brunstetter

Alma's Acceptance by Richelle Brunstetter

The three main characters in each story must make a critical decision that will change their lives but their families as well.  These decisions can not be made without prayer.

When you need to make a decision in life do you include prayer?  This is a step that is the most important but frequently not done.  GOD listens.  He guides our steps.  

I am never disappointed when I am reading a book by any Brunstetter.  I am excited for Richelle as her story shows that she has a great future ahead of her.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Over Her Head

Over Her Head Epic Book Launch

About the Book

Book:  Over Her Head: In the Shadow

Author: JL Crosswhite

Genre: Christian Romantic Suspense

Release date: June 21, 2021

She’s working on a new start…

…He’s trying a new work venture.

Can they build a relationship that fits their new life?

Fresh out of cosmetology school Jessica and whiz software engineer Austin have been thrown together by mutual friends. They even escaped a wildfire together.

But do they have something more than friendship?

Maybe a singles’ camping trip will make their future clear.

But when they encounter someone who needs their help, the relaxing weekend away becomes anything but. As the danger mounts and the challenges reveal who they truly are, will it pull them together or push them apart… for good?

You will get lost in Over Her Head because the biggest adventure is falling in love.

Over Her Head Excerpt One

Jessica Blake swept up the last of the client’s platinum blonde hair into the dustpan at the end of the first day of her job at Salon Moritz as she tried to tune out the chatter about clubbing from the girls around her. Not her. Not any more. She was headed straight home after this. There was still a pint of mint chip in the freezer, if Mom hadn’t eaten it yet. That was celebration enough. She was lucky to get this job right out of cosmetology school.

Madison Rubio, the stylist Jessica was working under, seemed pleased with her work. Though it had been a long day, her heart was light at the praise she received. She hadn’t realized how much her parched heart needed the watering of encouraging words. It had been a long time.

Lyric Madden came bounding over, neatly side-stepping the pile of clippings Jessica had made. “So the girls invited us to go for drinks with them to celebrate our first day on the job. Sounds fun.” Lyric had gone to Jessica’s school, and they’d both started here today

Purchase Link: 

Over Her Head: In the Shadow Book 3, a Christian Romantic Suspense (In the Shadow, Christian Romantic Suspense) 


Jennifer’s favorite thing is discovering how much there is to love about America the Beautiful and the great outdoors. She’s a mom to two navigating the young adult years while battling her daughter’s juvenile arthritis, exploring the delights of her son’s autism, and keeping gluten free. A California native who’s spent significant time in the Midwest, she’s thrilled to be back in the Golden State. Follow her on social media to see all her adventures and how she gets inspired for her books!

Saturday, May 1, 2021

PRESENT DANGER BY Elizabeth Goddard

What?  I usually can figure out the bad guy before the last chapter.  But not in this book.  The killer could have been one of many.  Tara and Jack had a past but was there any chance of a future?

The main characters, Jack and Terra, had something to prove to others as well as to themselves.  This could be a strength or a weakness.  Terra's mother once told her that " The direction your life takes often come down to one decision, one moment in time."  I'm sure that at one time or other you can look back at a decision that altered your life.   I often wondered if I went to college straight out of high school instead of later how my life would have been different.  What if I turned left instead of right?  These decisions didn't seem like much at the time but your whole life can change because of them.

The story was interesting and action packed.  Terra was a strong and intelligent woman with a career.  She wasn't just waiting for a man to rescue her.  But if she needed someone  to do so, Jack was the man.  

I received the free Ebook from Revell Reads to give a honest review.  

The Island Girls

Sometimes we find ourselves doing the unimaginable.   Peggy discovered that she had the emotional and physical strength to accomplish the im...