Wednesday, January 11, 2017

If Not For You by Debbie Macomber

What is not to love about Debbie Macomber's books?  I was so excited to see this in Net Galley.  This book didn't disappoint.  I enjoy reading her books that are part of a series.  Beth is attempting to grow up and live her own life.  An accident occurs and her life will never be the same.  Beth wants everyone to be happy and attempts to make it happen for the ones she loves.  You can't help but want everything to turn out ok.  Five stars to Ms. Macomber for writing another winner.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Never Forget

Today is the release date of this delightful story written by one of my favorite authors.  I have recommended all of Jody Hedlund's books to friends and family members and I won't hesitate to recommend this one, too!

Due to the holidays, I didn't get started as fast as I wanted to.  I knew that once I cracked open the cover, I wouldn't put it down until I was finished.  I quickly read through this book as well.  

The main characters are Abbie and Nathaniel.  Abbie made some very poor decisions that she would regret later.  Her decisions were always made with good intentions.  She loved her grandfather and tried to help him any way she could. She must come up with a plan to keep the lighthouse and stay on Rose Island.

Nathaniel was lost and didn't know it until he was washed ashore the island.  This is when he really knew where he belonged.

Abbie and Nathaniel renewed their faith and found God's love and the light that would transform their lives.  This light was brighter than the light that shines from the lighthouse.

You won't be disappointed reading this.  This is the last book I completed in 2016.  What a great way to end the year.  

We all make mistakes.  Sometimes our mistakes seem unforgivable.  We are forgiven and this allows us to start anew.  The past is the past and today is a new day.  Great message to start this new year!

About the Author

jody-hedlund-web-copyWinner of the 2016 Christian Book Award and Christy Award,  best-selling author Jody Hedlund writes inspirational historical romances for both youth and adults.
Jody lives in central Michigan with her husband, five busy children, and five spoiled cats. Although Jody prefers to experience daring and dangerous adventures through her characters rather than in real life, she’s learned that a calm existence is simply not meant to be (at least in this phase of her life!).
When she’s not penning another of her page-turning stories, she loves to spend her time reading, especially when it also involves consuming coffee and chocolate.

The Island Girls

Sometimes we find ourselves doing the unimaginable.   Peggy discovered that she had the emotional and physical strength to accomplish the im...