Sunday, April 23, 2017

Treasured Grace by Tracie Peterson

Treasured Grace by Tracie Peterson

When is the next book coming out?  I will be first in line for that one.  This story swept me up on the very first page.  Grace thought of others more than for herself.  She made decisions based on her head than her heart.  She paid the consequences for sacrificing her happiness.

Grace and her sisters were traveling West for a new life.  They got more than they bargained for.

The definition of GRACE in the dictionary is "do honor or credit to (someone or something) by one's presence."  This describes Grace perfectly.  She was a joy to know - a sister I would have Treasured to have.

 Five stars.  Loved it!

Friday, April 21, 2017

Witch by Denise Weimer


Whew!  It was wonderful!  Great story.  A meaningful message.

This book is the third of the series called Restoration.  I am so happy that I read book one and two.  It gave me the opportunity to see Jennifer and Michael's growth as they were fully restored.  They both carried such a heavy load and this created difficulty for their relationship to develop.

GOD brought the two together.  He knew their hurts and struggles.  But GOD had a plan for them. GOD is a waster of nothing.  GOD knew it was a matter of time that when they turned to him that all of their pain, sorrow and loss would vanish.

GOD is the RESTORER.  He has the power to cleanse our souls when we give our lives to him.  GOD is there to pick us up when we fall, to hold us when we are hurt  and to strengthen us when we are weak.

GOD was there for Jennifer.  She only had to open her heart to his WORD and she was on the path to recovery.  It took Michael a little more time but when they embraced the love of GOD, healing took place and their love could flourish.

I loved this book as well as the whole series.  It was thought provoking and made me want to move to that community

On a sidenote, my stepdaughter graduated in April 2016 with her Master's in Historic Preservation.  My interest to read this was peaked when I saw that it was based on Jennifer restoring historic properties.

Lovely book.  Five stars.

About the Author

DENISE WEIMER holds a journalism degree with a minor in history from Asbury University. A former magazine writer, she is the author of romantic novella REDEEMING GRACE, The Georgia Gold Series (SAUTEE SHADOWS, THE GRAY DIVIDE, THE CRIMSON BLOOM, and BRIGHT AS GOLD – winner of the 2015 John Esten Cooke Award for outstanding Southern literature) and The Restoration Trilogy (WHITE, WIDOW and WITCH). Denise is a wife and swim mom of two daughters who always pauses for old houses, coffee and chocolate!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Let Love Spring

Hope, prayer and renewal is the theme of this collection of stories called Let Love Spring.  Each story demonstrates that prayer and faith in GOD can create miracles in your life.


Essie lost hope and was desparate.  Little did she know that GOD sent her a cowboy.  Was he The answer to her advertisement?

Judah was hurt and injured.  Was Essie his Angel?


Andi had secrets.  She was afraid that they would be revealed.  She needed to come home to her Aunt but it put her at risk.  Ren lost hope and became bitter when Andi left town with no explanation.

GOD had a plan for Andi and Ren.


Chaz had no memories of his life before.  Allison had faith and believed that their love could be renewed.

A Bible verse came to me while reading this collection.

John 4:13-14
Jesus answered and said to her, "Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life."

 Spring is a time of new life.  Renewal.  

I loved the collection by three authors I have never heard before.  Great job and a wonderful start to my Spring reading.


About the Authors

Social Media 2015 (1)Jodie Wolfe creates novels where hope and quirky meet. She’s been a semi-finalist and finalist in various writing contests and is a member of ACFW. When not writing she enjoys spending time with her husband in Pennsylvania, reading, walking, and being a Grammie. Learn more at

0035ASM_5299 (1)Sandy Faye Mauck writes character driven historical fiction with a romantic heart and a sprinkle of humor. God’s truth is woven throughout her stories bringing hope and new life. She and her writer husband live in their own happily ever after on the Pacific Coast that holds their hearts.

linda-e (2)Born in Baltimore, Maryland, a stone’s throw from Fort McHenry, Linda Shenton Matchett has lived in historical places most of her life-from Edison, New Jersey (named for the famed light bulb inventor) and Washington, DC to Wolfeboro, New Hampshire (reputed to be the oldest summer resort in America). A freelance writer for over ten years, her articles and devotionals have appeared in numerous print and online publications. She is a volunteer docent at the Wright Museum of WWII and a Trustee for the Wolfeboro Public Library. She lives in NH with her husband, Wes and her fur-baby, Ben. Visit her at

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