Thursday, July 28, 2022

Into the Fog

 Into the Fog Epic Book Launch

About the Book

Book: Into the Fog

Author: Karen Randau

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release date: September 6, 2022

Love and danger spar in this thrilling romantic suspenseHands push Marie Jessica (“MJ”) Goodrich from a rural roadway into an icy creek. The clock is ticking for her pleading friend on the other side of the ravine.Running from flashbacks of a life-altering attack in Afghanistan, MJ takes refuge with her mother, managing Peach Blossom Orchard. But peace is illusive in a rural Oklahoma town full of secrets.After losing his wife and children in a fatal car crash, Josh Rivers doubts he deserves a second chance at love. He can’t believe his bad luck when MJ, the woman who plagues the nightmares of his military service in Afghanistan, shows up in his hometown. She claims a driver ran down and abducted her friend Kelsey. Frustrated with the county sheriff’s investigation, MJ and Josh partner to follow clues that lead to a kidnapper who demands a bizarre ransom.With danger increasing for everyone MJ loves, will the clock run out before they solve the mystery? Find out how MJ and Josh—swirling in a whirlwind of mystery and suspense—lean on their mutual faith to find answers, courage, forgiveness, healing … and wholesome romance.If you like to read Christy Barritt and Colleen Coble, you’ll love Into the Fog, a keep-you-up-at-night clean romantic suspense novel that launches the Peach Blossom Orchard series.


Into the Fog Excerpt 5 

“Nah. I’ve stayed away from men since …” She didn’t know how to describe what she’d been through or why no man would want her, so she let the sentence hang. Her stint in Afghanistan had ended in tragedy, followed by months of rehab at Walter Reed. Then she had fought for her management spot in the good-old-boys network of a Phoenix bank. Relief had washed over her when her sisters called to announce MJ was the best of the three of them to move to Peach Blossom to help their mother operate her orchard business.  

“Since what?” Kelsey’s blond ponytail slapped her prominent cheekbones when she swung her head toward MJ. Her striking green eyes bore into MJ as she waited for an answer. 

“Now who’s sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong?” MJ interrupted the ensuing silence by apologizing. “That was rude. The truth is, I don’t have time for men either. My mom is showing signs of dementia, so I moved here to help handle her peach business, but I’m more of a gofer than a manager. It isn’t a brilliant use for my MBA, but it’s better than what I was doing.” 





A native of the southwestern U.S., Karen Randau has been writing and telling stories since elementary school. She holds a degree in journalism/public relations from The University of Texas at Austin and has enjoyed a long career in marketing communications.

After a short stint working in a psychiatric hospital, when she wrote three self-help books, Karen joined an international relief and development organization to use her skills to help people struggling with extreme poverty. She has traveled to numerous developing countries, witnessing famines, violence, and hopeful people working to overcome a generational cycle of poverty.

She loves to read and write fast-paced mysteries and thrillers, especially those with intricate plots, lots of action, and rollercoaster-like twists and turns.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Amish Quiltmaker's Unconventional Niece

I can't resist Jennifer Beckstrand's books.  She recently came to my State and I so wanted to meet her.  Unfortunately, I couldn't get there to let her know how much enjoyment she gives me with her books.

Mattie is a young but a determined Amish woman who was sent to Colorado as a punishment by her father.  No sooner than she gets there she finds herself in the thick of things!!!

All the characters in this book were a delight to read about.  Looking forward to another installment!  

I received this ebook to review from the author.

Jennifer Beckstrand is the USA Today Bestselling author of The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill series, The Honeybee Sisters series, The Petersheim Brothers series, and The Amish Quiltmaker series for Kensington Books. Two of Jennifer’s books were nominated for the RWA RITA® Award, and she is a #1 Amazon bestselling author. Jennifer has written twenty-eight Amish romances and the nonfiction book, Big Ideas. She has also written two Western historical and two contemporary romances as Jen Spencer. She and her husband have been married for thirty-seven years, and she has six children and eight adorable grandchildren, whom she spoils rotten.

Instagram: j.beckstrand

Duty Calls at Goodwill House Book 3

What an enjoyable story about heros in WW2. Each character was well written and believable. I was especially interested as my family lived in England during this time. 
 Diane was my favorite. She was determined to make it in the Service. She was not going to fall in love with a pilot. She was not going to be deterred from her goals.

Life can throw you a curve ball. Diane found that out. Did you have your life all planned out? Did it work out? I can answer that for me. I would have not married my love of my life. I would not have had the career I had for 28 years. I wouldn't have retired at 55. 

 I received this ebook from Boldwood Books to give a review.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

The Last Wedding- The Amish Bonnet Sisters


Cherish has been dreaming of her wedding for a very long time.  Until that day, she has much to worry about.  Will everything work out as she planned?

I was just introduced to this series in book 29.  But it was easy to catch on and enjoy the camaraderie of this family.  There is always something going on. 

Cherish's Mom, Wilma, is afraid of letting Cherish go.  She is afraid of being alone. This is a common feeling when it is your last child.  Wilma also just lost her husband.  She needs the family to be there for her.  They understand what she is feeling and will make sure that she will get the love and attention she needs to go forward in her life.

Will the sisters find happiness?  I really hope Favor's situation changes.  I got real upset reading about her situation.  I just wanted to shake her husband and in-laws.  Wouldn't you?

I received this book from the author to review.


Samantha Price is a USA Today bestselling author of Amish romance books and cozy mysteries. She was raised Brethren and has a deep affinity for the Amish way of life, which she has explored extensively with over a decade of research.
She is mother to two pampered rescue cats and a very spoiled staffy with separation issues.

Friday, July 15, 2022

The Forever House

 I walk everyday for at least a mile.  This has been my companion for the past month.  I am sorry to say goodbye to Emily, Calvin and Isaac.  This audio book was such a joy to listen to.

Calvin and Emily both were chickens.  And because of this they missed out of a wonderful chance of happiness.

Isaac, Calvin's son, knew just what he had to do to make his Dad happy again.  Calvin could either clobber him or go along with his plan.

The characters were wonderful and so realistic.  I would love to move to their small town.  Yes, everyone knew everyone's business but they loved and cared for their neighbors.  A real sense of community.

I highly recommend this story.  It was a joy to listen to.

Where You Are & How to Get There Excerpt Three

Where You Are & How to Get There Epic Book Launch

About the Book
Book: Where You Are & How to Get There
Author: Nolan Ryan Recker
Genre: Lifestyle
Release date: August 4, 2022
Have you ever had the thought or asked yourself the question, “How did I get here?”
You know, the kind of question examining the indirect decisions and circumstances that led you to the point life that you even need to ask such a question.
One of the oldest questions ever recorded in human history speaks to this very question we ask ourselves in moments of doubt. What if that ancient question was a question we ought to ask ourselves on a regular basis?
Journey with me as we wrestle with a question that if meant for us, today, would change everything about we view the life we choose to live.

Where You Are & How to Get There Excerpt Three
I have heard it said we start thinking and asking the question Who am I?” around the time we start walking. Obviously, we arent articulating this question consciously. I am a father of two children and I donremember either of my boys asking around eighteen months old, Dad, who am I?”  

I hear girls develop quicker than boys, so maybe the readers with daughters have experienced such a phenomenon.  

At each life transition, we are both not actively thinking about and sometimes thinking about asking the question, Who am I?”  

When we were toddlers and had our first experience of independence, we communicated as best we can whenever we wanted to be free and move about a space. What this means is that we are recognizing a sense of separation between ourselves and our caregivers.  
Each new first” in our lives impacts and influences how and what we think about ourselves.  

And if youre human, the older and more aware you be- come, the more you will not only think about Who am I?” but will battle against Who do other people think that I am?”  


Nolan’s toughest and rewarding opportunities are being a husband and a father. As a husband and a father, Nolan wants his family members to discover and live a flourishing life. Nolan’s life experience has covered the spectrum from being a camp counselor to a school teacher to a custodian to a Lead Pastor of a church. This, is why he writes. If he wrestles with the ideas he writes about, maybe others wrestle with the same things, and if they do, would they benefit from a different perspective? He’s honored to listen to anyone who graces him with their time to tell their story; especially if it involves coffee or pizza.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip by Sara Brunsvold


At 93, my mother-in-law passed away in a nursing home.  She was there for a couple of years due to dementia and alzheimers.  My husband faithfully visited his mother.  At times, it was difficult as she didn't  speak.  She was there physically but was gone.  He would tell her he loved her and would be back soon. The last time he spoke to her she said she loved him too. What a blessing!

We would see these seniors every week.  Most had no visitors.  Each lived a full life.  A story to be told.  We found out that one woman was a WASP who flew planes during the war.  Unfortunately no one came to hear her story. 

Clara lived and loved.  She had no children of her own.  But everyone was part of her family.  She experienced grief but she didn't allow it to destroy her future. 

Her legacy will live on because someone was willing to listen.  Aidyn got more than just a news story when she met Mrs. Kip.

I received this book from Revell Reads to review.


Sara Brunsvold creates stories that speak hope, truth, and life. Influenced by humble women of God who find His fingerprints in the everyday, she does the same in her life and her storytelling. Sara’s recognitions include the 2020 ACFW Genesis Award for Contemporary Fiction. She lives with her family in Kansas City, where she can often be spotted writing at a park or library. 


ACFW Genesis Contest Winner, Contemporary Category, 2020

ACFW Genesis Contest Semi-Finalist, Contemporary Category, 2018

Mattie Dykes Creative Writing Award – Fiction, 2000

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Wanda E. Brunstetter's Amish Friends 4 Season Cookbook

 I love collecting cookbooks.  I am not much of a cook but I enjoy reading them.  Wanda has compiled a few that delights any one.  This is no exception.  I love the recipes, the pictures and the information that is between the two covers.

This would be a great gift for anyone in your family.  

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Enriched by Jody Hedlund


I was "enriched" by this wonderful tale of Torvald and Lady Karina.  Lady Karina gave herself so freely.  She was light and love.  Torvald was dark and tortured.  He kept a part of himself locked away for protection. 

What would it take for the two of them to become one?  Was it possible for them to open their hearts to each other? 

What a great book! I have read all the books of the Knights of Brethren Series.  This was my favorite so far.  I loved Karina and Torvald.  They became real to me.  Their love and sacrifices for each other was swoonable!

I received this book from the author to review.

Jody Hedlund is the best-selling author of over thirty historicals for both adults and teens and is the winner of numerous awards including the Christy, Carol, and Christian Book Award. She lives in central Michigan with her husband, five busy teens, and five spoiled cats.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Murder by Numbers

A different kind of mystery involving a girl who sees visions and a police officer trying to prove himself.  

The three main characters: Clara, Adam and Lucas felt that they had to prove their worth. They judged themselves too harshly. This is common for each one of us.  

I had no idea what to expect.  It took me awhile to get into the story but I'm glad I continued reading I enjoyed the storyline. It was unique. 


Megan Mayfair writes fiction with a dash of mystery, a sprinkling of humour and a spoonful of romance. And a lot of heart.

Her series include The Tangled Vines Saga and The Lemon Tree Bay Romantic Mysteries. Tangled Vines won the 2019 Romance Writers of Australia Ruby (Romantic Book of the Year) Award in the romantic elements category.

Megan lives in Melbourne, Australia with her husband and three young children, and works in public relations. When not writing fiction or press releases, she enjoys spending time with her family, drinking coffee, and searching for the perfect shade of red lipstick.

Visit her website or subscribe to her newsletter at

The Island Girls

Sometimes we find ourselves doing the unimaginable.   Peggy discovered that she had the emotional and physical strength to accomplish the im...