Monday, February 8, 2016

A Worthy Heart by Susan Anne Mason

I am hooked on anything that Susan Anne Mason writes. I am ready for more! Since my family immigrated to America from England, I love anything that has to do with immigration. I read the first book in this series and was anxiously waiting for this one. It did not disappoint. I hope there will be a third book in this series. Adam and Maggie are a wonderful couple who give each other encouragement and strength during their ups and downs. Adam feels he is not worthy of Maggie's love and affection. Maggie sees who Adam really is and not how Adam sees himself. God has plans for Adam and Maggie. They both need to trust God.

I loved John, Adam's friend. He was a Godsend to Adam. He made Adam realize that he is never alone as God is with him always. He also tried to encourage Adam to let go of his anger and to forgive his father. In order for Adam to forgive his father, he had to forgive himself.

I couldn't help loving Adam and Maggie's story. I didn't want the book to end.

Hannah's Choice by Jan Drexler

I have never heard of this author but I received this book for free and was willing to give it a try.  I am so glad I did.  I took a risk on an author I have never heard from and had an enjoyable time reading this book.

To take a risk is the central theme in this book.  Hannah is the main character is this book.  She is a not sure what path to take.  Should she stay at her much loved home or go out of her comfort zone?  Could she risk everything she knows for the unknown?

Adam is the young man she has known since she was a child.  Should he risk everything to do what he thinks is right?

Josef risked everything to come to America and to trust Hannah.

Annalise is afraid to risk of letting go of her grief and to trust God.

Liesbet risked everything to love someone that no one liked or trusted.

Hannah's father risked leaving the ancestral home to save his family.  Is this the right move for them?

I am not one to take risks.  I do not go out too far from my comfort zone.  But I came from a family that took a giant leap and risked coming to America.  My mother and her family immigrated to America in the 1950's.  It couldn't have been easy but it was worth the risk to them.

I absolutely loved this book!  I am adding Jan Drexler to my must read author list.

Grace's Forgiveness by Molly Jebber

Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”

I have always enjoyed Amish Christian Romance.  I love learning about their way of life and the overall message of the books I have read.  I  was not disappointed when I completed Grace's Forgiveness by Molly Jebber.

Grace was a young Amish woman who lived up to her name.  She had every reason to be angry or upset with God.  She did not allow her disfigurement define her.  She was pure in heart.  She was graceful and obedient to God.  She wanted to do the right thing.  She helped everyone in her community and was loved by all.  She wanted to follow Amish rules but had a difficult time in shunning her good friend.  

Mark King had a secret.  His brother left the Amish community.  He lost both parents and then lost his only brother.  He prayed for his brother to return to the fold.  Could he turn his brother away if he came to Mark for help? 

Mark and Grace meet and they quickly realize that they were a good match.  He looked beyond her birthmark.  He loved Grace and could see how much she loved God.  

Grace and Mark both felt the pain of losing someone they loved through death or by leaving the Amish community.  They both wanted the same things: a  family, a life together and to be accepted for whom they were.  

They both had secrets.  They were blessed that they could share their inner thoughts to each other without being judged.   

Their love story was one where they learned to trust and lean on each other through the difficult times.  They had faith in God and that he would guide them and keep them strong.  

Forgiveness is not always easy.  But to forgive others when they have made a mistake or hurt you in  some way is a gift.  We gain so much when we forgive others.  Mark, Grace, Grace's father and Mark's brother all learned that when they forgive or are forgiven that they have gained so much.  
This book was a delight to read.  I received it free to review.  I highly recommend this book to others especially to someone that is having a difficult time knowing how to forgive.

Redeeming Rupert

She had to save her home.  Her only hope was to marry Henry.   Her home meant everything to her.  She was responsible to take care of her in...