Saturday, June 30, 2018

More Than Needed the Eye by Karen Witemeyer

Karen, you never disappoint and this one was a winner!  The story shows that a family is not always traditional in nature.  Evangeline was a member of a family made out of orphans.  Her struggles and growth is the basis of MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE.  If course, Logan, has a lesson or two to learn.  Thanks to GOD, and Evangeline.

I loved Logan and his ability to open his eyes to the error of his ways.  It didn't hurt that I have a grandson named Logan💓.

I am anticipating the next book to be about Evangeline's brother, Zach.  I will wait patiently .......not!!!!!

31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 
32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

I received this free to review.

Official Bio:
Christy Award finalist and winner of the ACFW Carol Award, National Reader's Choice Award, HOLT Medallion, and Inspirational Reader's Choice Award, CBA bestselling author Karen Witemeyer writes Christian historical romance for Bethany House, believing the world needs more happily-ever-afters. She is an avid cross-stitcher and makes her home in Abilene, TX with her husband and three children.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Points Worth

Short but very intriguing.  

Will Gil be able to accomplish his task?  He knew what he had to do but opposition was before him.  He was determined to find the answers.

Have you ever known for sure that something just wasn't right?  Did you listen to your instinct?  Or did you go with the flow and keep quiet?  Gil didn't have seniority on his side.  He was a junior nautical linguist. But he felt driven to discover the truth.  He was willing to risk what he worked for to save others.  

Enjoyed the story....wish it was a little longer.

I received this free to review.

About the BookPoints Worth cover

Title: Points Worth
Author: D.C. Marino
Genre: Fantasy
Release Date: March 30
For centuries the small port town of Points Worth has been able to communicate with the ocean in its own language. But the water has just gone silent and its last word has shaken those able to translate it. A knowledge of sea-script won’t be enough to mend the broken relationship between man and the deep. Gil, a young nautical linguist, will have to break rules and search the past to discover why the ocean ceased its tides—or had them stolen.
Points Worth is a novelette set in the world of Kingdom of Ruins, and is a prequel to the first book in the series.

Click here to purchase your copy!

About the Author

Dcmarino autho picD.C. Marino is a dedicated reader of history books and fantasy novels, both of which occupy an equal amount of space on her bookshelves. But it wasn’t until she realized how one breathed life into the other that she became addicted to finding the intersections of the real world and the fairy story. Still more: what those intersections about us as a creative, curious people. Kingdom of Ruins is her debut novel.

Guest post from D.C. Marino

Hi Everyone!
I’m so excited to celebrate the release of Points Worth with you! To start, I’ll share a funny secret: this little novelette was never in the plan. The idea came at the last moment, at the suggestion of my publisher. I had never intended to write a prequel to the Kingdom of Ruins series, but when I began fleshing out this small story, it took on a personality I couldn’t ignore. Not only did I fall in love with the sea-salt setting and gutsy characters, but Points Worth is now planned to continue as a mini-series of novellas, each one to be released between the full-length novels!
Gil, the main character and hero, is who I blame for the speed of my commitment to this storyline. He inspires me. Calamity has befallen his small port town and fear is driving even the wisest of the townsfolk to make dangerous decisions. Instead of swallowing the easiest explanation for the disaster, Gil goes in search of the truth against one of the most powerful men in the town. He’s scrappy, inventive and knows his history. Though born in the hills, he’s a natural seafarer. I wanted to keep following him right off the page. And so, his story has only just begun to sail the unknown ocean.
On the flip side, the Kingdom of Ruins series takes place on land. But this isn’t a default setting. The land is a character in itself and interacts with those that live upon its soil. It even takes sides in war. This same concept was extended to the sea in Points Worth. Which is appropriate, as they are part of the same world. In fact, the town of Points Worth is only a few days’ ride away from where the main novel takes place. Which leads me to the last thing I wanted to share with you. Gil will show up as a supporting character in one of the main novels. I love this because, though the reader will know Gil very well, the main characters in Kingdom of Ruins will not. You’ll suddenly see Gil from another’s perspective, which should be interesting and sometimes comical.
I will say no more. Land and sea must tell the rest of the story.
Thank you for coming! I hope you enjoy the ocean-air and the adventure it inspires!
D.C. Marino

Blog Stops

Multifarious, June 15
Remebrancy, June 17
RebekahsQuill, June 19
Mommynificent, June 20
Bigreadersite, June 21
Carpe Diem, June 27


To celebrate the tour, Celebrate Lit is giving away a grand prize of a $25 Amazon gift card!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Tremors of Doubt

Callie lives with her family in Haiti.  She feels there is more in store for her.  She is frustrated and sometimes discouraged.

It's a tale of self-discovery.  Whom am I?  What is GOD's Plan for me?  

It's funny how life turns out at times.  We think we have it all planned out.  Callie is no exception.

I enjoyed reading of Callie's growth.  There were some surprises - twist and turns.  The conclusion was surprising.  I loved Callie and I loved where the book took me.

I received this free to review.
About the Book
Tremors of Doubt
Title: Tremors of Doubt
Author: Lael Harrelson
Genre:Contemporary Amish Alternative
Release Date: March 19, 2018
Would the will of God ever lead a young woman against the counsel of family and church? For a young Mennonite woman who wants to make a difference in the world, growing up on the mission field in Haiti should be the perfect fit. But not for Callie Zimmerman. Raised by her aunt and uncle after the death of her parents, Callie works beside her aunt cooking, cleaning and sewing each day as the men head off to serve the community. She longs to do more to alleviate the poverty and sickness that surrounds her, but tradition and her uncle forbid it. On the eve of her twenty-third birthday, struggling with hopelessness as another year passes, Callie pleads with God to open a door for her. The prayer has barely left her mouth when she finds a stack of letters with secrets about her parent’s deaths and their excommunication from the Mennonite church. Devastated, Callie cries herself to sleep, only to be awakened a few hours later by her uncle with the startling news the Noah Koehn has asked permission to court her. Is one of these the answer to her prayer? Would exploring her parents past mean losing a future with Noah? Is it worth the risk?

Click here to purchase your copy!

About the Author

Lael HarrelsonRaised by a fun loving, atheist single mom who struggled with depression and mental illness I spent my childhood backpacking around Europe, visiting yoga communes, eating vegan, living on a houseboat, then an old pony express outpost in the backwoods of Montana. My teen years took a drastic turn when my mom got saved, got married, and joined an ultra-conservative Mennonite church. Faith, step parents and unquestioning obedience is a dangerous combination when mixed with mental illness, legalism, and heavy handed physical correction.
I became a confused believer with a heart for Jesus but drowning under a sea of rules, regulations, and legalism. I became a missionary teacher and then a nurse and escaped to the mission field, the one avenue open to single women. I taught VBS on Indian reservations, led school for missionary children in Haiti and Africa. All around me was heartache and disease and glaring need. I longed to make a difference but was limited to working on the mission compound – teaching, cooking, cleaning. Work outside the walls of the compound was reserved for the men.
On a furlough, I met my future husband – a new believer who wasn’t looking for a door mat in a wife but a partner. As he grew in his faith, I reexamined mine and what Biblical womanhood looked like. Timidly at first, but then eagerly, as I discovered a new relationship with Jesus Christ based on grace and not performance. I left the Mennonite church and married the love of my life twenty years ago. We have five beautiful teenagers, two by birth and three through adoption from Haiti. My husband is adopted and God used my time in Haiti to prepare me to understand my children’s culture and language and ease their transitions home.
Two people in my family have mild Asperger’s and one has Reactive Attachment disorder, PTSD, and ODD. Our house is not a quiet, well greased machine but a chaotic, happy, crazy, nerve racking, love filled oasis where we all try to help each other grow and thrive. I am so thankful for my life – the good and the bad. I feel blessed to have experienced so many unique situations and to love and be loved by so many wonderful and eccentric people. It is from these experiences I draw the fiction stories I write. I like to think of them as fiction with grit – fast paced and entertaining stories that make you want to read till the very last page while at the same time tackling real life issues – legalism, abuse, divorce, adoption, Asperger syndrome, mental illness, etc.

Guest Post from Lael Harrelson

To the casual observer, Haiti is a magical island of swaying palms, laughing children, and azure blue oceans, but for one who takes the time to look deeper, a darker truth emerges. Starvation. Desperation. Darkness. Hopelessness.
Callie’s church is a shining beacon of family values, sincere faith, and simple living but, again, for one who takes the time to dive deeper, there is a hidden trail of broken spirits, crushed dreams, and oppressed women and girls.
Drawing inspiration from my experiences as a Haitian missionary and former Mennonite, I hope you will find Tremors of Doubt not only entertaining but life changing as you follow Callie’s journey through self-doubt, crushed dreams, love triangles, life changing secrets, and fragile hope as she navigates being the daughter of Haitian missionaries on an exotic Caribbean Island where danger is lurking just below the surface.

Blog Stops

Quiet Quilter, June 12
Among the Reads, June 12
Mommynificent, June 13
Bigreadersite, June 13
The Avid Reader, June 14
Carpe Diem, June 15
Mary Hake, June 17
margaret kazmierczak, June 17 (Interview)
ansel book blog, June 22
cherylbbookblog, June 23


To celebrate her tour, Lael is giving away a grand prize of an autographed copy of Tremors of Doubt, an adorable set of Amish dolls, a set of handwritten recipe cards with mouthwatering Amish recipes, a handmade Haitian bracelet made by Haitian students, a pound of nationally acclaimed Haitian coffee, a bar of rich Haitian chocolate, and a $25 Amazon gift card!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Captured Bride


This is the third book of The Daughters of the Mayflower Series.  Each book can stand alone but I've read each one.  This book is dated in 1759 in New York.

This was an absolute delight to read.  I loved the book.  This story is about Mercy Lytton and Elias Dubois.  Mercy is a spirited young woman who is strong and independent.  Mercy needs to work through her past before she can ever find true happiness. Elias is on a dangerous mission and has to keep this from Mercy.  He can not risk being vulnerable.

We often appear to others stronger than we actually are.  Sometimes we believe that if we show our vulnerabilities we are weak.  The exact opposite is true.

Great book!  I can not wait to the next book in this series!!!!  I am taking a vacation with each book and I'm not even leaving my recliner.  Thank you, Michelle Griep!!!

I received this free to review.

About the Book

The captured bride
Title: The Captured Bride
Author: Michelle Griep
Release Date: June 1, 2018
Genre: Historical Romance
A war-torn countryside is no place for a lady—but Mercy Lytton is a lady like none other. Raised amongst the Mohawks, she straddles two cultures, yet each are united in one cause . . . to defeat the French. Born with a rare gift of unusually keen eyesight, she is chosen as a scout to accompany a team of men on a dangerous mission. Yet it is not her life that is threatened. It is her heart.
Condemned as a traitor, Elias Dubois faces the gallows. At the last minute, he’s offered his freedom if he consents to accompany a stolen shipment of French gold to a nearby fort—but he’s the one they stole it from in the first place. It turns out that the real thief is the beguiling woman, Mercy Lytton, for she steals his every waking thought.
Can love survive divided loyalties in a backcountry wilderness?

Click here to purchase your copy!

About the Author

unnamedMichelle Griep’s been writing since she first discovered blank wall space and Crayolas. She is the author of historical romances: The Innkeeper’s Daughter, 12 Days at Bleakly Manor, The Captive Heart, Brentwood’s Ward, A Heart Deceived, Undercurrent and Gallimore,but also leaped the historical fence into the realm of contemporary with the zany romantic mystery Out of the Frying Pan. If you’d like to keep up with her escapades, find her at or stalk her on FacebookTwitter, or Pinterest.

Guest Post from Michelle

A Visit to Fort Niagara

The Captured bride guest post pictureWhether you’re a history buff or don’t have a clue what the French and Indian War was about, there’s a destination in upstate New York that’s fun to visit for the whole family . . .
My husband and I made the trek to this living history site last summer. I had no idea what to expect, other than what was advertised as a “reenactment camp.” For those who don’t know, this is when volunteers who adore history come together to present a particular event, such as a battle. These people usually choose a real person from the era upon whom they fashion their modern day persona. They dress, speak, eat and live as that person might have. Here I am with some of my new friends:
Generally around the 4th of July, the 1759 Battle of Fort Niagara is recreated in a 3-day extravaganza of soldiers, muskets, canons and an entire market place to peruse selling period-related items.
Some of the things that surprised me about stepping back into the mid-eighteenth century were:
  • How much smoke muskets kick out
  • Once the battle begins, it’s hard to see who is your enemy or ally
  • Canons are really loud
  • Everything wasn’t as black and white as it seems in pictures—gowns and uniforms were very colorful
What makes this event so spectacular is that they take the entire 20 day siege and condense it into 3 days. If you visit every day, you’ll see and experience exactly what happened. You’ll be there to see the British, Colonial regulars and Iroquois allies sneak out of the tree line to shoot at some French soldiers who were pigeon hunting just outside the fort. You’ll hear the war whoops and barrage of angry French epithets roaring on the air. You’ll even get a chance to taste some of their food as you wander around inside the French Encampment set up inside the fort walls.
To experience a bit of the danger, sights and sounds of what Mercy and Elias lived through in The Captured Bride, Fort Niagara really is a fantastic place to visit.

Blog Stops

Vicky Sluiter, June 9
Genesis 5020, June 11
Bakerkella, June 11
Among the Reads, June 13
Book by Book, June 13
Splashes of Joy, June 14
Artistic Nobody, June 14 (Spotlight)
Pause for Tales, June 15
Mary Hake, June 15
Bigreadersite, June 15
Simple Harvest Reads, June 16 (Guest post from Mindy Houng)
Novels corner, June 17
Kathleen Denly, June 18
Remembrancy, June 18
Mommynificent, June 20
Carpe Diem, June 22


To celebrate her tour, Michelle is giving away a grand prize of
a signed copy of The Captured Bride and a $25 Barnes & Noble gift card!!

Redeeming Rupert

She had to save her home.  Her only hope was to marry Henry.   Her home meant everything to her.  She was responsible to take care of her in...