Thursday, July 25, 2024


I have been enjoying the Amish Bonnet Sisters Series by Samantha Price.  I have enjoyed every one. I loved all the characters.

OUTCAST is a new book but so very different than her others. It was much more serious and I must say, a little disturbing. I had a difficult time warming up to the main character, Trust. I did feel her pain on how she was treated by her own parents and neighbors when she was younger.

It was full of twists and turns.  I didn't know what was going to happen next. 

Samantha Price did it to me again.  I got to the last page and went "what"?  She writes like the old movie theater series where there is a cliffhanger to bring you back next week.  You have to come back and read Book 2.  You just have to.

I received this book from the author to review.  



Samantha Price profile image

About the author

Raised in the Brethren, Samantha has a profound affinity for the Amish way of life, which she has explored extensively through over a decade of dedicated research. Her stories resonate with authenticity and heart, drawing readers into the serene and inspiring world of the Amish community. Samantha is also a devoted animal lover. She shares her home with two pampered dogs and a rescue cat who believes he's a dog too.

Samantha loves to hear from her readers. Connect at:

SamanthaPriceAuthor dot com

Thursday, July 11, 2024

A Conflicted Betrothal


Temperance and Tabitha were sisters.  Temperance always felt second best.   She wasn't as beautiful and she wore glasses!   But she was fiesty and determined to fight against the loyalists even if her father and the handsome soldier, Ansel, were members of that exact same party.

How can two people at opposite ends of the spectrum get along?  Temperance discovered that it is possible with sacrifice and understanding. 

The historical content of this book is absolutely amazing.  I really appreciate the research and time that the author put in to write this wonderful story.  

I received this book to review from Celebrate Lit.




About the Book

Book: A Conflicted Betrothal

Author: Denise Weimer

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release date: June 11, 2024

A King’s Ranger, a secret patriot, and a love that calls everything into question.

As a King’s Ranger on Georgia’s frontier, Ansel Anderson loves his independent life. But he’s also a second son, which means he’ll need the favor of someone influential to secure a land grant to settle his future. What better way to win support than by marrying the daughter of a member of the Governor’s Council? Yet Ansel’s straightforward plan is complicated by Miss Scott’s aloofness and his own growing sympathy for the passionate cause of the Liberty Boys.

As drawn to the enigmatic Ansel Anderson as Temperance Scott might be, he’d be more of a match for her feisty twin sister—who is all too happy to oblige. Not only would timid, nearsighted Temperance make a poor wife for a man trained for life on the frontier, but anyone she allows close to her must share her secret patriot ideals.

When Savannah erupts into riots and intrigue following the passage of the Stamp Act, Ansel is tasked with identifying a spy passing sensitive information to the Liberty Boys and the author of anonymous letters threatening those loyal to the governor. And as suspicions focus on the Scott family, which is he prepared to sacrifice—love or loyalty?


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

North Georgia native Denise Weimer has authored over a dozen traditionally published novels and a number of novellas—historical and contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and time slip. As a freelance editor and Acquisitions & Editorial Liaison for Wild Heart Books, she’s helped other authors reach their publishing dreams. A mother of two daughters, Denise always pauses for coffee, chocolate, and old houses.

More from Denise

The American Revolution That Almost Happened a Decade Earlier:

The Setting for A Conflicted Betrothal

Savannah, Georgia, 1765. Sedition, secret letters, spies, and Sons of Liberty. An absolutely irresistible combination for an author of historical romance! All this intrigue centered around the passage and implementation of the Stamp Act.

The crowning grievance after a series of increasingly repressive acts levying taxes for Britain, the act required an imprint on official papers or a small blue paper affixed with tin foil to a document, including bills, calendars, warrants, deeds, court documents, commercial papers, degrees, newspapers, pamphlets, ads, almanacs, indentures, appointments, and even cards and dice. Anyone breaking the Stamp Act would be tried in admiralty court in Novia Scotia. Colonists objected to not having a local trial by their peers and because English parliament, not the local upper and lower colonial houses, set the tax.

Savannah seethed with discontent while awaiting the appointment of a stamp master and the arrival of the stamps.

Then a sensational article in the Georgia Gazette revealed that four local citizens had received letters signed by “the Townsman” accusing them of being the stamp master or having stamped papers in their possession. The men were instructed to publicly advertise their innocence or risk grievous results.

When protest and riots speared by the fledgling Liberty Boys repeatedly erupted, the governor called out his Royal Rangers to quell the potential rebellion. But the rangers and the militia were riddled with secret patriots, many of whom were the sons of prominent loyalists. Imagine being in the position where you are sworn to serve and protect—only, you suspect you may be on the wrong side.

That’s what happens to my hero in A Conflicted Betrothal. Georgia Royal Ranger Ansel Anderson is summoned from his frontier post to provide intelligence to his father’s friend, a loyalist judge. To obtain the land grant he needs, he’s also to court the man’s daughter, an ardent patriot. Patience Scott has no intention of letting herself fall for a sworn King’s Man…until anonymous letters threatening those loyal to the governor corner her into agreeing to a betrothal. But will their attraction to each other survive their conflicting loyalties?

Blog Stops

Holly’s Book Corner, July 2

Texas Book-aholic, July 2

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, July 3

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, July 4

lakesidelivingsite, July 4

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, July 5

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 6

Pause for Tales, July 6

Books You Can Feel Good About, July 7

Simple Harvest Reads, July 8 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

Locks, Hooks and Books, July 9

Inkwell Inspirations, July 10

For Him and My Family, July 11

Jeanette’s Thoughts, July 12

Blossoms and Blessings , July 12

Cover Lover Book Review, July 13

Life on Chickadee Lane, July 14

Connie’s History Classroom, July 15

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Courage for the Clarks Factory Girls

I have been wearing Clark Shoes for years.  Great shoes that last a long time.  I was intrigued by the title.  This is part of a series.  I recommend reading the previous book as it gives you a better understanding of the plot.  

This book continues the story of three girls who work at the Clark Factory.  They become very close friends.  Kate, Louisa and Jeannie are there for each other in every way possible.  It is rare to find friendships like that.

I loved the story.  It was heart wrenching at times.  It brought you to WW2 when the local lads went off to serve their country.  This caused grief and hardships for the families they left behind.

I look forward to the next chapter as the ending leaves you hanging!!  

I received this book from Boldwood to review.




Courage For The Clarks Factory Girls

1915: As war continues to rage across the Channel, the families of the Somerset village of Street can no longer avoid its long shadow.

Workers in the Clarks shoe factory, at the heart of the village, have left for the army in droves, and news from the Front seems to grow darker by the day.

When life-long friends Louisa, Jeannie and Kate receive the news they had been fearing, all hope seems lost. And Louisa’s world will be rocked further when she makes another discovery, one that will see her cast out by her family, changing her life forever.

Kate and Jeannie are determined to be strong for their friend, but each of them has their own problems to bear, and when Jeannie’s beloved brother Lucas enlists, she fears history is about to repeat itself.

Can the Clarks factory girls help each other through the darkest days and keep hope alive?

Purchase Link -

Author Bio – 

May Ellis has been a legal executive, registered childminder, professional fund – raiser and a teacher. She has travelled the world, including trekking in mountains, deserts and the Great Wall of China, as well as helping build a house in Thailand. She went to university in her forties and gained a first class degree and an MA while still working full – time. Her first book, a contemporary romance, was published in 2014. Since then she has had five more novels published, including another romance and a YA time travel adventure. The last three are gritty dramas set in the 1960s/70s published by Darkstroke Books. She lives in Somerset, within sight of Glastonbury Tor, volunteering at her local library and for the Alfred Gillett Trust (custodians of the Clark’s archives). Her current series, based on the factory workers at Clark’s Shoes was inspired by her move to the area and her love of social history

Social Media Links –  


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Bookbub profile:

Friday, June 28, 2024

Rocky Mountain Journey

 I love going Out West.  The air. The view.  The mountains.  Everytime I read a Misty M. Beller book it brings me back there. I am one of her characters standing amidst the glorious landscape GOD created.

Grant and Faith meet on the trail. I would love to ride along with them in the wilderness.  Sleeping on the hard ground, probably not.  Faith is determined to return a necklace to the woman who saved their father so many years ago from a certain death. She takes risks that can put her in danger. Grant is searching for his brother. Will they find them?  Or will they find something they were not expecting to?

I received this book to review from Celebrate Lit.



Book: Rocky Mountain Journey (Sisters of the Rockies: Book 3)

Author: Misty M. Beller

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release date: June 18, 2024

Masquerading as a man, Faith Collins embarks on a perilous journey through the untamed wilderness of the Rocky Mountains in search of the Peigan Blackfoot woman who once saved her father’s life. She joins a group of trappers who may be able to lead her to the place the woman is hiding, but keeping Faith’s identity a secret proves more difficult than she imagined.

Grant Allen is searching for his younger brother, who was separated from him when their parents died many years ago. After receiving word that his brother went west to the Rockies, he unites with a group of trappers, hoping they can lead him to his brother’s location. Soon Grant realizes there’s a woman hiding among the men, and he’s determined to find out who she is, what she’s hiding, and how he can keep her safe in this country of wild animals and even wilder men.

In this rousing conclusion to her Sisters of the Rockies series, Misty M. Beller embarks on an adventurous journey where loyalty, love, and sacrifice intertwine amid the unforgiving frontier.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Misty M. Beller is a USA Today bestselling author of romantic mountain stories, set on the 1800s frontier and woven with the truth of God’s love.

Raised on a farm and surrounded by family, Misty developed her love for horses, history, and adventure. These days, her husband and children provide fresh adventure every day, keeping her both grounded and crazy.

Misty’s passion is to create inspiring Christian fiction infused with the grandeur of the mountains, writing historical romance that displays God’s abundant love through the twists and turns in the lives of her characters.

Sharing her stories with readers is a dream come true for Misty. She writes from her country home in South Carolina and escapes to the mountains any chance she gets.

More from Misty


I love a heroine in disguise! It’s one of my favorite tropes, but I don’t often get to write stories with that plot. It adds so many fun and funny moments to the storyline. J

In Rocky Mountain Journey our heroine goes undercover as a “man” to travel with a group of trappers so she can reach her destination safely. Numbers meant a better chance of survival back in those days. I love that Grant, our hero, was the only man in the trapper group who looked close enough at the young “man” riding with them to realize things weren’t what they seemed at first glance.

One challenge that definitely arises in a story where the heroine is pretending to be a man is the development of the romance between her and the hero. In this case, Faith was pretending to be her (fictitious) brother Frank. Grant had met Faith in an earlier chapter before she took on the disguise, and he immediately noticed the resemblance between “Frank” and the woman whose memory still lingered with him, even days later. Every time he looks at “Frank” while they’re traveling with the trappers, he recalls the memory of Faith by the waterfall…and the attraction to that woman grows a little more every time. What a shocking surprise when he discovered she’s riding just ahead of him on the trail the entire time!

I pray you love Faith’s stint “in disguise” in Rocky Mountain Journey! J



Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, June 18

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, June 18

Life, Love, Writing, June 19

Book Looks by Lisa, June 19

Wishful Endings, June 20

Lighthouse Academy Blog, June 20 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Texas Book-aholic, June 21

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, June 22

Devoted To Hope, June 22

Locks, Hooks and Books, June 23

Happily Managing a Houeshold of Boys, June 23

Betti Mace, June 24

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, June 24

lakesidelivingsite, June 25

Books You Can Feel Good About, June 26

Mornings at Character Cafe, June 26

Life on Chickadee Lane, June 27

Tell Tale Book Reviews, June 27

Cover Lover Book Review, June 28

For Him and My Family, June 29

Jeanette’s Thoughts, June 29

Holly’s Book Corner, June 30

Blossoms and Blessings, June 30

Lily’s Corner, July 1

Pause for Tales, July 1


To celebrate her tour, Misty is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Mary's Calico Hope

I adore kittens.  And Mary has one called Hope.  This is so appropriate because Mary needs hope.  She has been crippled since she was a young child.  She has given up hope for a better future.

Dr. Rueben King couldn't help noticing Mary.  And it wasn't because of her handicap. 

Mary deserves all the happiness.  She gives so much to others in her community. Mary has the opportunity to live her life with less pain and fulfilling her dream of having a family of her own.

I received this book to review from Celebrate lit.


Blog Stops

Vicky Sluiter, June 27

Jeanette’s Thoughts, June 27

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, June 28

Lighthouse Academy Blog, June 29 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Texas Book-aholic, June 30

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, July 1

Lakesidelivingsite, July 2

Splashes of Joy, July 2

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 3

For Him and My Family, July 4

Locks, Hooks and Books, July 5

The Lofty Pages, July 5

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, July 6

Stories By Gina, July 7 (Author Interview)

Devoted To Hope, July 7

Bigreadersite, July 8

Little Homeschool on the Prairie, July 8

The Avid Reader, July 9

Life on Chickadee Lane, July 10

Holly’s Book Corner, July 10

About the Book

Book: Mary’s Calico Hope (The Heart of the Amish: Book 5)

Author: Anne Blackburne

Genre: Amish/Christian Fiction

Release date: June, 2024

Mary Yoder Is Content Despite Challenges Thrown Her Way

Full of faith, hope, and romance, this new series takes you into the Heart of Amish country.

If God wills it, Mary Yoder will do it, even if that means using crutches for the rest of her life. She was badly injured in a buggy accident as a child. Still, she is content living in the Dawdi Haus connected to her parents’ farmhouse and with her work weaving baskets and raising specialty roosters whose feathers she uses to make excellent trout lures. She is truly happy at twenty-nine, but. . .she wouldn’t mind finding a husband—if the Lord wills it. Along comes Reuben King, a Mennonite doctor. They are attracted to one another, but how could they ever be together? She’s a baptized Amish woman, so it seems impossible. Also, he wants her to have surgery to improve her mobility and lessen her day-to-day pain. She’s sick and tired of surgeries! But if God wills it, she’ll do it. And just maybe there will be a way for these two unlikely souls to connect.

Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Anne Blackburne lives and works in Southeast Ohio as a newspaper editor and writer. She is the mother of five grown children, has one wonderful grandchild, and a spoiled poodle named Millie. For fun, when she isn’t working on Amish romance or sweet mysteries, Anne directs and acts in community theater productions and writes and directs original plays. She also enjoys reading, kayaking, swimming, searching for beach glass, and just sitting with a cup of coffee looking at large bodies of water. Her idea of the perfect vacation is cruising and seeing amazing new places with people she loves.

More from Anne

Hello from Southeastern Ohio, where the sun is shining and it’s good to be alive!

Less than a year ago I wrote a kick-off post for the launch of my debut novel, Ruth’s Ginger Snap Surprise, which was also featured in a Celebrate Lit Book Tour in December 2023.

As a green newbie, I didn’t really understand what this meant, but I was (and am!) very happy for any help with my writing career. Well, the amazing bloggers who work with Celebrate Lit did a bang-up job promoting my book, and it is doing very well. So thanks to all of them, and to all who have read Ruth’s story!

Now, here I am again! I can hardly believe that my second book, Mary’s Calico Hope, is published and available to readers, and that once again I’m blessed to have the help of the Celebrate Lit folks in launching my book.

Mary Yoder will be familiar to anyone who read my first book. She appears several times in that story; you may remember her as the quiet young woman with a great attitude despite the fact that she has been using crutches to get around since a childhood accident injured her spine and legs.

Mary is the heroine of my second book, Mary’s Calico Hope. In fact, Mary is something of a heroine to me. I love her joy in living and her faith that God will get her through any challenge, even if she can’t begin to see how He’s going to do it.

We all face challenges, and would all benefit from a little more faith, and not just when times get tough, am I right?

I am so happy to bring you Mary’s story and can’t wait for you to experience her happy-ever-after. (Which of course is guaranteed, since we’re talking about a romance novel!) But how will she get there? Ah, that’s the question!

Thank you for taking the time to learn about Mary’s story! This book is my second in Barbour Publishing’s new series, “The Heart of the Amish”. It’s actually the fifth book in that series, which also contains great reads from authors Mindy Steele and Lisa Baker Jones.

I’m currently writing my third book in the series, which will feature a young woman you met in both Ruth and Mary’s stories, Elizabeth Miller. Look for Lizzie’s Little Mouse next winter.

Oh! I forgot to mention, each of my heroine’s received a tiny kitten from an elderly friend, Lydia Coblentz. Ruth had Ginger Snap. Mary has her calico kitten, Hope. And Lizzie’s kitten is a little gray one that reminds her of—you guessed it! A mouse!

I hope you’re having as much fun reading about these remarkable young women—and their kitties! —as I’m having writing about them. Thanks for being part of our journey! Without you, it wouldn’t be possible.

As for me and mine, we are all well and enjoying spring in southeast Ohio. In other words, enjoying the sunshine, but carrying a sweater and an umbrella, just in case!

God bless you and yours!


Anne Blackburne


To celebrate her tour, Anne is giving away the grand prize package of a print copy of the book and a $25 Amazon eGift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Amish Circle of Blessings

I just finished Book 42 of the Amish Bonnet Sisters Series.  This is the final book of this series.  I knew I would be sad when it ended.  And I am.

I have enjoyed getting to know Wilma and her family.  The books' title clearly describes this book.  Wilma has been blessed by her family and friends. 

I don't want to give away anything but the ending couldn't have been sweeter. 

I want to thank Samantha Price for giving me many hours of enjoyment and pleasure.  She gave me and all her readers such a gift- a Circle of Blessings- by sharing Wilma's family with us.



Samantha Price profile image

About the author

Samantha Price is a USA Today bestselling author of Amish romance books and cozy mysteries. She was raised Brethren and has a deep affinity for the Amish way of life, which she has explored extensively with over a decade of research.

She is mother to two pampered rescue cats, and a very spoiled staffy with separation issues.

Samantha loves to hear from her readers. Connect at:

Twitter @AmishRomance

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Willing to wed the Rancher

Clarabelle won't even consider marrying Earl, the widower with two small children.  She is not looking for a marriage of convenience.  She dreams for more but she doesn't have high  expectations. No one looks at her twice when her twin sister, Clementine, is around.  But Frantz, Earl's brother, does.

I enjoyed the storyline between Clarabelle and Frantz.  He sure sounds like a keeper.  Does Clarabelle realize this before she lets Frantz go?

Another winner from my favorite writer whom also resides in Michigan, Jody Hedlund.

Thank goodness, there will be additional books in this series. I'm looking forward to them all.  

I received this book to review from Jody Hedlund's reader group.



Jody Hedlund is a CBA best-selling and award-winning author of more than a dozen books. Among a variety of genres, she especially loves bringing long-forgotten women of history to life. She is the author of Luther and Katharina, which was awarded the ECPA Book of the Year Award in Fiction. Her other novels have won the Carol Award, the INSPY Award, and the Christy Award. She resides in Midland, Michigan, with her husband and five busy children.


Wow.  That's the reaction I had as I read this powerful story of an Amish girl and her English cousin. Both girls were dealing with issu...