Sunday, November 30, 2014

Love Unexpected by Jody Hedlund

Love, Love, Love!    I read this in two days and hated it to end.  I especially enjoyed that it was based in Michigan (my home state).  Sometimes you can read a book and figure out the ending.   This book had a few surprises.  I loved the characters - Emma and Patrick.  They both came from dysfunctional families. They both wanted something more and worked through their vulnerabilities to achieve their dreams.  Highly recommend.

I loved that I got this free from Baker Books to review.

This is Book One......Jody, hurry up and give me a Book Two....I'm ready for another sleepless night.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

To Everything A Season

I love everything Lauraine Snelling writes.  Her books are written especially well.  The stories are a pleasure to read.  Her characters are so realistic and believable.  Each character has a journey and what a delight to take it with them!  

This book can stand alone but it is part of a continuing story.  I wait not so patiently for the next book of this series.  

I want to thank Baker Books in giving me this book free to review.  

Redeeming Rupert

She had to save her home.  Her only hope was to marry Henry.   Her home meant everything to her.  She was responsible to take care of her in...