Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Saved By The Matchmaker

Scars are not always just on the outside.  We all have scars at one point or another.  Some are quicker to heal than others. 

Enya was badly bruised after a failed relationship.  She found herself in a bad situation.  Sullivan's (just love that name) scars were more visible. 

Both were carrying heavy emotional loads.  Is it possible to cast off these negative messages?

I loved this book.  The characters came to life for me.  I once was fed negative messages that took me a few years to get rid of.  The mind games played by my ex could have ruined my life.  But with time and my faith in GOD, slowly you start to realize that it wasn't true.

Sullivan and Enya were fortunate to have Bellamy, the matchmaker, put them together. Maybe he really knows what he is doing!!

Thanks, Jody Hedlund, for giving me the opportunity to review this wonderful book.

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