Friday, January 26, 2018

Ain't Misbehaving - Dallas Duets 1 by Marji Laine

Annalee did the right thing when she pled guilty.  But she sure paid the price!  She was assigned to community service at an after-school daycare.  What did she know about Kids?  What she didn't know was her life was about to change!!!!

CJ Whelen loved running the daycare.  He was a vital part of the community.  He forgot to mention to Annalee that he was the wealthy son of a prominent business man.  A big mistake!

 I was intrigued seeing that there was a probation officer in the story.  I am a retired Probation Officer. But my unethical Laurel Stewart was.  I literally could have wrung her  neck.  She sure was nasty.

I enjoyed the story.  It was a treat being with Annalee on her spiritual journey.

I received this free to review.

About the Author

Marji LaineMarji Laine has completed seventeen years of homeschooling with the surreal notion that
she’ll now have time on her hands. But that’s unlikely. Her publishing company, Write Integrity Press, keeps her extremely busy. In her spare time, she teaches a high school and college Bible Study, leads a Sunday morning high school fellowship group, directs a children’s choir, and sings in her church’s adult choir.
She enjoys road trips with her family and friends, photography, scrapbooking, and participating in musical theater. Her favorite past time is game night with her family and her kids’ extended collection of friends.


To celebrate her tour, Marji is giving away a grand prize of Dallas chocolates, Texas snack box, and a packet of Bluebonnet seeds!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed getting to know CJ and Annalee! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing! :)


A Fresh Start for the Country Nurse

Okay. Raise your hand if you love Call The Midwife or All Creatures Great and Small on PBS!  I love both these shows.  This book is based in...