Sunday, May 27, 2018

The Hawaiian Discovery by Wanda Brunstetter & Jean Brunstetter

The Hawaiian Discovery

This is a sequel to The Hawaiian Quilt.  We get to revisit beloved characters that we came to love in the first book.  I enjoyed revisiting Hawaii and being whisked away to the tropical sights and sounds of the location.

Ellen never expected that she was to return to the island she loved so soon.  She was thoughtful and caring. Ellen was willing to do what was necessary to help her friend, Mandy.  But she never expected what she discovered about herself and others while there.

Mandy and Ken discovered that their faith will carry them through the worst of times.

I came to fast to the end of the book.  I am excited to read the next book in this series.  Wanda and her daughter-in-law, Jean, always delivers.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Together Forever


I loved this book.  It is book two of a series.  I read book one so I was waiting anxiously for this installment of the Orphan Train Series.  

There are very few writers that I have on my must read list.  Jody Hedlund is on that list.  I can guarantee that this story will tug on your heartstrings.  I felt the children's fear.   I felt Marianne's emotions when she had to say goodbye to these children.  Marianne and Drew were special people and were just right for the job. What they soon discovered was that they were right for each other.

Ms. Hedlund's writing brings her characters to life.  I sat on the edge of my recliner many times as Marianne got herself into one predicament  into another.

I eagerly await the next book.  I'm assuming it might be about the third sister, Sophie.  I can't thank you enough, Ms. Hedlund, for the many hours of enjoyment you give me.

I received this for free to review.

About the Book
Together Forever
Title: Together Forever, Orphan Train Book 2
Author: Jody Hedlund
Genre: Inspirational historical romance
Release Date: May, 2018
Determined to find her lost younger sister, Marianne Neumann takes a job as a placing agent with the Children’s Aid Society in 1858 New York. She not only hopes to offer children a better life, but prays she’ll be able to discover whether Sophie ended up leaving the city on an orphan train so they can finally be reunited.
Andrew Brady, her fellow agent on her first placing-out trip, is a former schoolteacher who has an easy way with the children, firm but tender and friendly. Underneath his charm and handsome looks, though, seems to linger a grief that won’t go away–and a secret from his past that he keeps hidden.
As the two team up, placing orphans in the small railroad towns of Illinois, they find themselves growing ever closer . . . until a shocking tragedy threatens to upend all their work and change one of their lives forever.

Click here to purchase your copy!

About the Author

Jody hedlundJody Hedlund is the author of over a dozen novels, including Love Unexpected, Captured by Love, Unending Devotion, The Preacher’s Bride, and A Noble Groom, winner of the 2014 Carol Award for historical romance. She received a bachelor’s degree from Taylor University and a master’s from the University of Wisconsin, both in social work. She lives in Michigan with her husband and five children. She loves hearing from readers on Facebook and on her blog at

Guest Post from Jody Hedlund

30,000 Abandoned Children
By Jody Hedlund
Imagine a city where 30,000 abandoned and homeless children live on the streets.
Sounds like something from a futuristic dystopian novel, doesn’t it? Or something that might happen after a war or apocalypse or major disaster, right?
This exact thing actually happened in the 1850’s. And the city was New York City.
It’s hard to believe, but an estimated 30,000 homeless children roamed the dirty city streets and alleys of New York City.
30,000. Children. Let that sink in for a minute. That’s the size of a town.
Historians look back on that time and try to make sense what led to such horrific conditions for children. Of course, the influx of immigrants was at an all time high. Jobs and housing were scarce. Diseases were rampant. Hunger and poverty became a norm. (Orphan Train Depot)
Together forever 1Together forever 2
As more and more people became aware of the enormous problem within the crowded slums, courageous heroes rose up and attempted to do their part to make a difference.
While we may not always agree with the methods that were used to save the thousands of homeless children, we can admire the men and women who could no longer sit idly by.
The Children’s Aid Society was started by Charles Loring Brace as one such attempt to help the hordes of homeless children. His “Emigration Plan” is better known today by the term “Orphan Trains.”
Together forever 3Together Forever
My latest series tackles various elements of the orphan train movement. Together Forever, releasing in May, highlights the placing agents, those devoted people who rode the trains with the orphans. The agents spent weeks and months on the road caring for the children, all the while trying to place them in loving homes.
(If you’d like to try out the series, start with my FREE novella, An Awakened Heart.)
Like the brave men and women who came before us, may we always strive to do our part to make a difference!

Blog Stops

By The Book, May 22
Genesis 5020, May 23
Radiant Light, May 26
Mary Hake, May 27
Carpe Diem, May 27
Simple Harvest Reads, May 28 (Guest Post from Mindy Houng)
Bigreadersite, May 30
Vicky Sluiter, June 2


To celebrate her tour, Jody is giving away a grand prize of a $25 Amazon gift card!!

Thursday, May 24, 2018


I opened this journal and started a new way to discover the Bible. I have never done anything like this before.  But I sat down with a pen, a Bible and this book and off I went.

What did I learn?  I learned that there was so much more to learn.  I learned that by writing the verses out that I really learned the verses.  They became more than just words.

I was thrilled that the Journible we received was written by Luke.  This has always been a favorite of mine.  Luke was an interesting man.  He was a gentle.  He was an educated physician.  

This would be a great gift for anyone.  It also would be a lasting legacy passed on to the next generation to save and treasure.  There is so much information in this book.  I would have a difficult time picking out a favorite passage.  One of mine is the following:

Luke 11:9
"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." NIV

I received this free to review.

About these Books

Exodus PhotoTitle: Journible: The 17:18 Series
Author: Robert Wynalda (a local businessman) and Dr. Joel R. Beeke (President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary)
Genre: Non-fiction, Bible study tool
Release Date: Series released in 2009
Why the 17:18 series?
In Deuteronomy 17, Moses is leaving final instructions concerning the future of Israel. As a prophet of God, Moses foretells of when Israel will place a king over the nation (v. 14). In verse 18, the king is commanded to not simply acquire a copy of the law (the entire book of Deuteronomy) from the scroll publishing house, but to hand write his own copy of the law. Thirty-four hundred years later, educators are discovering that students that physically write out their notes by hand have a much greater retention rate than simply hearing or visually reading the information. Apparently, God knew this to be true of the kings of Israel also. From such understanding came the conception of this series of books.

How to Use These Books
Each book is organized so that you can write out your very own copy of Scripture. You will be writing the Bible text only on the right hand page of the book. This should make for easier writing and also allows ample space on the left page to write your own notes and comments. From time to time a question or word will be lightly printed on the left page; these questions are to aid in further study, but should not interfere with your own notes and comments.

Click here to purchase your copy!

About the Author

BeekeDr. Joel R. Beeke is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, a pastor of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, editor of Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth, editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books, president of Inheritance Publishers, and vice-president of the Dutch Reformed Translation Society. He has written, co-authored, or edited seventy books (most recently, A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life, Living Zealously, Friends and Lovers: Cultivating Companionship and Intimacy in Marriage, Getting Back Into the Race: The Cure for Backsliding, Parenting by God’s Promises: How to Raise Children in the Covenant of Grace, Living for the Glory of God: An Introduction to Calvinism, Meet the Puritans, Contagious Christian Living, Calvin for Today, Developing a Healthy Prayer Life, and Taking Hold of God),and contributed 2,000 articles to Reformed books, journals, periodicals, and encyclopedias. His Ph.D. is in Reformation and Post-Reformation theology from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia). He is frequently called upon to lecture at seminaries and to speak at Reformed conferences around the world. He and his wife Mary have been blessed with three children: Calvin, Esther, and Lydia.

The 17:18 Series

Blog Stops

Vicky Sluiter, May 17
Book by Book, May 21
Genesis 5020, May 23
amandainpa, May 24
Bigreadersite, May 24
Multifarious, May 27


To celebrate the tour, Reformation Heritage Books is giving away a grand prize of the entire set of New Testament Journibles!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Don't Go Through Life Naked by Susan B. Mead

What do you expect when picking up a book with a title like this?  I wasn't so sure myself.  I did enjoy the message that was shared by the author.

I love Ephesians 6:10-20 about wearing the armor of GOD and being prepared against the enemy. This book reminded me about the importance of reading the Bible daily and the power of prayer.

Many years ago I was going a relative's wedding.  I was going to see someone who caused me much grief years ago.  I worried about it.  I was so stressed about it that it was taking some of my joy from the upcoming wedding.   I was giving my enemy too much power.

I prayed.  I wrote Ephesians 6:10-20 on a note card.  I bought a small shield pin and wore it inside my dress.  I was prepared.  Lo and behold, the evening went well and my "enemy" stayed away from me.  At the end of the night I was going to remove the pin.  It was gone.  It served it's purpose.  I believed it was found by someone else going through a rough patch who needed the "ARMOR of GOD."

This was a quick read but so valuable.  

I received this free to review.

About the Book

Cover Don't Go Through Life NakedWhy do I feel like I’m going through life naked if I’m following God faithfully?
The Bible tells you the war has already been won, yet some days you simply feel undone.
The enemy of your soul wants you to feel out of control…overwhelmed, outwitted and under resourced. When you listen to the lies the enemy weaves in your marriage, finances, relationships, and health, he wreaks havoc. Steals your joy. Kills your hope. And aims to not only dull, but destroy the power of God in your life.
In Don’t Go through Life Naked, Susan B. Mead shares her own deeply personal experiences with feeling exposed and engaging the enemy—from the recurring nightmares of childhood to the loss of her son and perceived judgment of others.
With scriptural insight, let’s-get-real vulnerability, and a wry sense of humor, Mead helps readers:
– Toss out misconceptions about spiritual warfare to understand what Jesus really said about your spiritual authority and the certainty you have in him. – Know what to pray to steady your soul and restore your confidence. – Stop feeling overrun by the enemy and start believing the authority of God abides in you to overcome.
In Don’t Go through Life Naked, Mead provides strong spiritual weapons for your life through the scripture of God’s prayer book, the Bible. These weapons enable you to successfully clothe yourself in God’s power and promises every day.
A portion of the proceeds of Don’t Go through Life Naked will benefit Proverbs 31 Ministries to help them continue teaching biblical truth and taking the hope of Jesus to women and families around the world.
Click here to purchase your copy!

About the Author

Susan B Mead FB headshotWith over 22 years in corporate American, 2 million airline miles under her belt, 2 Christian Literary Awards on the shelfan MBA hanging on the wall, and a Doctor of Theology candidacy in process, Susan B Mead shares her expert teachings on business, grief, spiritual warfare and relationships. A master storyteller and award winning, best selling author, Susan leaves audiences motivated to live a life free of regrets even though she has done the hardest thing any parent can do – bury her youngest son, Kyle.
Susan has been described as a solid, comforting voice in a messy world.Whether speaking to business professionals, women’s conferences, industry leaders or writer’s workshops, Susan’s insightful wisdom inspires audiences, empowering them to make healthy mental u-turns to help them find calm in the chaos.

Guest Post from Susan B. Mead

Seriously Susan? You’re taking the Word of God and making it laughable?
Yes, I am. The subject we address is serious – it is arming ourselves with the Full Armor of God. Do you realize that makes this topic Spiritual Warfare? Yes! Warfare. Why was I compelled to write about this?
We address being 1) aware of the adversary, 2) mindful of his methods and 3) positioned for combat with a powerful promise.
God gave me His sense of humor to lighten the mood and open our minds to His message. Now that is a blessing, in my humble opinion.
Why would God let me poke lightly at this problem? So we can look forward to digging in to discover every tidbit, tool, and treasure He has for us. The world is unprincipled. It’s dog-eat-dog out there! The world doesn’t fight fair. But we don’t live or fight our battles that way—never have and never will. The tools of our trade aren’t for marketing or manipulation, but they are for demolishing that entire massively corrupt culture. We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ. Our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity.
Do you see the nuggets here? I consider them valuable like pure gold and solid silver. When we forge the Word of God into our hearts, He equips us with a tool – the sword of the Spirit. That allows us to clear the ground of every obstruction.
God also covers us with His Word when we come to Him as Lord of our lives. His Word is His Son, Jesus; the Jesus who lived, bled, died, and rose to Heaven for you and for me. We are covered and protected by that amazing gift, for the Word Jesus carries power to prevail against all powers of evil when Jesus is Lord of our lives.
All power.
All powerful.
Not the enemy and not us – Jesus.
Are you ready to venture into the vault of God’s vast truth?
Expect adventure, excitement and breathtaking breakthrough IF you choose to forge ahead.
But beware…
There are twists and turns ahead.
(Spoiler alert! You may already know the end of this story.)
Oh by the way, on April 19, Susan received an email from the Jenkins Group. You know, Jerry Jenkins of the Left Behind Series – and so many other books. She was humbled – and incredibly honored – to read the 2018 eLit Book Awards Medalist list and find this line…
Don’t Go Through Life Naked by Susan B. Mead
GOLD Medal Winner

Blog Stops

Simple Harvest Reads, May 16 (Spotlight)
Carpe Diem, May 21
Artistic Nobody,May 25 (Spotlight)
Bigreadersite, May 26
margaret kazmierczak, May 26 (Interview)
Reading is my Super Power, May 27 (Interview)


To celebrate her tour, Susan is giving away a grand prize of a Kindle Oasis preloaded with her ebooks along with an autographed copy of her book Don’t Go Through Life Naked: How to Clothe Yourself in God’s Power.
Click below to enter:

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Pirate Bride

Independent-Strong-Unconventional-Inquisitive-Beautiful....all describe Maribel.  She lived a life few could.  She loved adventure and she came alive on the open seas.

I was impressed by her passion and surprised by her compassion.
Maribel had every reason to be angry due to her circumstances.  She was a good example of making lemonade if you are given lemons.

Jean-Luc was dashing, adventurous, a protector and a man of intrigue & passion.  He was everything a girl could ask for.

Maribel and Jean-Luc met when she was a child.  But neither could forget..
Have you ever met someone in your past that you couldn't forget?  If you had the chance would you love to rekindle a friendship or even a romance?

I thoroughly enjoyed this book.  It was an adventure.  I was very easily swept away and was sailing the high seas with Maribel and Jean-Luc.  I didn't have to leave my couch to travel the world.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Simple Soul of Susan by Noel Branham

Wasn't exactly sure where this was heading?  I kept thinking there was something bad about to happen.  What did happen was an enjoyable time getting to know Susan.  Susan was unique in her own special way.  Calder, her neighbor, knew this but Susan wasn't too sure.  

This was a sweet story of two kids who grew up together.  Their lives were entwined.  As Susan grew up, she wanted more but it seemed impossible.

As I read this I saw Susan as a beautiful flower blooming right before our eyes.  She might have looked like a weed to others and was treated as such by some due to her financial circumstances.  But "The Simple Soul of Susan" was a gift for the one who was willing to take the time to see her as she truly was.  She was kind and giving.  She was loving and warm.  She was thoughtful. Her "soul" was a gift to Calder and his family and to everyone that took the time to really know her.  

I read this in one night and when I closed the book I felt that everything was all right.  Noel Branham, Thanks for taking me to Texas and introducing me to Susan Combs.

I received this free to review.

About the Book

The Simple Sould of Susan
Title: The Simple Soul of Susan
Author: Noel Branham
Genre: Romance, YA, Coming-of-Age, Contemporary
Release Date: October 11, 2017
Susan Combs had long ago found the love of her life. The only problem was the other party still didn’t know he had been found.
Every day Susan saw Calder Hurtz, her next door neighbor and childhood best friend. They always enjoyed the short drive to school down the dusty streets of their small Texas town. She was happy in those perfect moments, for her life at home was most imperfect. The challenging homestead she inhabited was also the favorite subject of local gossip.
But one autumn day she overhears Calder and another boy having a conversation. This occasion of accidental audience sets Susan’s life on an unforeseen path. In the seasons to come, her future will be changed by two hospitalizations, two confessions of love, and one betrayal.
Compulsively readable, The Simple Soul of Susan is an engaging, soul-endearing romance and a mesmerizing debut.

Click here to purchase your copy!

About the Author

Noel BranhamBorn and raised in a small Texas town, Noel Branham started her career in digital communications after graduating with a degree in English. An award-winning communicator, she now writes from her residence in Florida about things closest to the heart: home, family, and love.
 Guest Post from Noel Branham
Fictional Romance: A Real Relationship Killer?
You’ve heard it before… All romance novels give readers unrealistic expectations of relationships. Yep. They totally do. But I think most of the time, with life in general, we have unrealistic expectations not only of others but of ourselves. We live in a world where there is always something else to try, buy or satisfy our ever-evolving aspirations of happiness and fulfillment. So here are three things to remember while reading romance novels that will lead to having deep, meaningful, romantic, relationships in real life:
  1. Happiness isn’t fulfilled expectations. When you expect yoursignificant other (SO) to see you and romantically sweep you off your feet while pulling flowers from behind your back and force feeding you chocolates… you may have some unrealistic expectations. Would it be nice? Sure! But there is always something more they could do to make you happy, feeling loved, satisfied, etc. It’s a bottomless pit of desire and implied anticipated actions. We have to realize that no matter how many things we want out of a relationship, we can never receive them all… because realistically, we could never live up to the things expected of us either. Romance is a two-way street.
  2. Happiness is the unexpected, fulfilled. Wait… how can you fulfill something that isn’t expected? You can’t. And that’s what makes it so great. Your SO fills your car up with gas, takes you out for a date for no particular reason, watches that Victorian-era PBS drama with you even though they can’t understand the accents… When we get rid of expectations for ourselves and others we are able to really enjoy the things and people we already have and anything else is simply adding to lovely life that we already possess.
  3. Happiness in relationships is what you make of it. Just not feeling the love anymore after five years together? Was it that you chose the wrong person? Was it something they did? Something you did? Love can be a feeling and an action. Your relationship doesn’t have to be defined by feelings. Feelings fade. They aren’t realistic. They change with time as people change with time because all people change. But actions… actions are what you choose to do on a regular basis. They are a daily intentional choice (made by you) to care for another person. You can control your actions, but not so much your feelings. Funny thing is often times your actions create feelings you never thought you could have.
If you are looking for a romance novel with a bit more realism to test out these principals, check out The Simple Soul of Susan. You can have the realistic expectation that you won’t be disappointed 🙂

Blog Stops

Multifarious, May 11
Remembrancy, May 11
Artistic Nobody, May 15 (Spotlight)
Mommynificent, May 16
Carpe Diem, May 19
margaret kazmierczak, May 20 (Interview)
Simple Harvest Reads, May 21 (Guest post, Mindy Houng)
Reading is my Super Power, May 21 (Interview)
Bigreadersite, May 22


To celebrate her tour, Noel giving away
Grand Prize: $50 Amazon Gift Card
First & Second Place Prize: eBook copy of the Simple Soul of Susan!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

Redeeming Rupert

She had to save her home.  Her only hope was to marry Henry.   Her home meant everything to her.  She was responsible to take care of her in...