Sunday, March 28, 2021

The Shell Collector by Nancy Naigle

I just spent a few days with the residents of Whelk's Island.  I loved spending time with each one of them.  Nancy Naigle created a town with residents we would all love to have as neighbors.

Amanda moved to Whelk's Island to start a new life and to heal.  She couldn't have picked any place better. It was evident that GOD had a plan for her and her children.

Maeve was a lifetime resident of the town.  She was loved by many.  She was a good friend to all.  Maeve and Amanda became friends by meeting on the beach.   Both gained so much from their friendship.

I will admit I cried some.  There is no way you couldn't but it was so worth it.  I loved the story.  It clearly demonstrated how a small gesture of kindness can make significant changes to others and for you.

I will be on the lookout for future releases from Nancy Naigle.  

I received this for free from WaterBrook and Multinomah   to give a honest review.

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