Saturday, September 10, 2016

Love's Faithful Promise by Susan Anne Mason

I stayed up way to late to finish this book last night.  As I was turning the last page I felt sad it was over.  This book 3 of the Courage To Dream Series.  I read every book and it was a pleasure.

I highly recommend that Ms. Mason continue the saga with the next generation.  I want to know more about this wonderful family.

This book is about Deirdre and her dream to attend medical school.  She has what it takes but this in 1922 and women were not so easily accepted in this role.  Dr. Matthew Clayborne works with wounded soldiers and is practicing physical therapy.  He prefers to be isolated from the world.  His only concern is his daughter, Phoebe.  He will do anything to protect her.

Deirdre comes to Toronto to persuade Dr. Clayborne to come to Irish Meadows to help her Mother.  Their lives will forever change after this meeting.

Deirdre and Matthew thought they had their lives planned out.  But it wasn't GOD'S plan.

I loved this book.  I enjoyed reading their story and watching their love grow.  They had to take the leap of faith and takethat chance of finding happiness that they both deserved.

I received this book free to review.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Christmas Angel Project by Melody Carlson

Is it too early to be reading a Christmas book?  No, this book is not just a Christmas themed book but a book that brings a smile to your face and enjoyment any time of year.  I have read some books by Melody Carlson before so I didn't think she would disappoint me in this one.   And she didn't!

The message I received from this book was GIVING.  When you give from your heart, the whole world will be a better place because of it.  Abby Wentworth gave all year round to her friends and to everyone in her community.  Her legacy was a gift to her friends.

This story is about Abby's friends giving back and what they gained from their experiences.  Christmas is not the only time of year to give of yourself to your family, friends and community.  

Loved the book.  Loved the characters.  Love, Love, Love Melody Carlson.  I will continue to look for her books as they come out as I have enjoyed each one I have opened.

Five STARS!!!

I received this book from free from Baker Books to review.


Monday, August 29, 2016

Without Warning by Lynette Eason

 This is Book 2 of the Elite Guardians Series.  I didn't read Book 1 so at times I wasn't up to what was happening.  Ms. Eason made it quite easy to follow along in Book 2.  Plots were explained and I became quite intrigued by the storyline.

I thoroughly enjoyed this mystery.  I had no clue as to whom the "bad guy" was.  It took me by surprise when it was revealed.  
Kate Singleton, partner in the Elite Guardians Protection Agency, was a woman of strength and conviction.  She was vulnerable and had some fears to overcome.  She gets the job done even with reservations.

Dan Williams has his own issues to deal with.  He is now the guardian of his teenage niece, Ruby.  She is has a feeling that something bad is going to happen to her Uncle Dan.  So she hires Ms. Singleton to protect her Uncle.  

I appreciated the love the characters had for each other that was shown throughout the book.  I have never heard of Lynette Eason and was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed this book.  Finally a book where the main character, Kate, was a strong woman.  I look forward to reading other books by this author.  

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Jennifer Beckstrand and the Honeybee Sisters:= Sweet as Honey, A Bee In Her Bonnet and Like a Bee to Honey

I just received three books that are part of a series called The Honeybee Sisters by Jennifer Beckstrand. I never heard of this author until I received these ebooks free to review. The books were "sweet as honey" and I couldn't put them down. The books are about the three sisters that were raised by their maternal aunt, Aunt Bitsey. Aunt Bitsey is unconventional but the Christner Girls love her to bits.
Sweet as Honey:
Lily is insecure and loyal to a fault. Her boyfriend, Paul, doesn't deserve her loyalty. But Lily needs to come to this conclusion herself. She is very confused as to where her heart truly lies. Is it Dan? Or Paul?
A Bee in her Bonnet:
Poppy is independent and will protect the ones she loves at all
costs. She doesn't believe anyone could care for her as she is not a typical young Amish woman. She has found herself punching a few boys in her lifetime to get her point across. Can Luke have a place in her heart after putting up with him throughout childhood?
Like a Bee to Honey:
Rose is shy and is easily frightened. She believes that she is a burden to her family. She shys away from any man who shows an interest and is happy to stay home withh Aunt Bitsey and the cats. But Josiah enters the picture and Rose finds him opening the door to her heart that she thought was permanently closed.
All three sisters had their own perceptions as to whom they really were and how they thought they were seen by others. It wasn't what they thought at all. At times, I was aggravated by their beliefs and wanted to shake each one of them out of it. They were prisoners of their own fears. Once they allowed Dan, Luke and Paul into their hearts, they learned that they were lovable just as they were. Aunt Bit had her own surprise at the end.....nothing is always what it seems.
I rate these books 5 stars. I loved the sisters, Aunt Bit and the community that they lived in. When an author can create a character that I loathe such as Paul, that's talent!!!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Honor Redeemed by Christine Johnson

From the very first page, I was hooked.  I was carried back to a time when your word and honor meant something.  David gave his word to Prosperity.  She believed him and waited for him to come for her.

Her world came crashing down with the death of her mother and when she discovered David married someone else.  How could he?  All her hopes for the future was tied to his promise.

The story continues when Prosperity learns she can have a future without David.  She has choices.  She learns how to honor herself.

 David and Prosperity learn to open their hearts to the unexpected.  With this knowledge it opens up a world of possibilities.

I enjoyed reading this and stayed up late to finish it.  I will recommend to others.  Great read.

Dance and Be Glad by Melissa Wardwell

Dance and Be Glad is a title that we all can live by.  It makes my heart sing just by reading the title of this new book by Melissa Wardwell.  There are two other books that precede this one but you can read this book all by itself.

I really enjoyed Jill and Michael's story.  She is alone raising her daughter after her husband died over 9 years ago.  Life is a struggle for her. Jill is holding on to the past as protection of any chances of being hurt in the future.   But with this comes a price.......she  is not allowing herself to feel true joy and happiness.

Michael is a doctor that thinks his life is going well.  He is planning on opening up a new clinic in town.  He unexpectedly is now raising his young niece.  Can he do it?  He turns to Jill for advice and help.

Jill and Michael were once a couple years ago.  Her father interfered and their relationship was over.  Sparks fly and with the help of Jill's daughter and Michael's niece there might be a chance of a future together.

This book was just like an old-fashioned love story.  Michael knew he had to court Jill to win her back.  I appreciated the integrity of Michael and Jill in this book.  It wasn't all about them.  They had others to think about.  They loved their family and friends and would go out of the way to help others

I enjoyed reading this book.  It was about Jill and Michael but also about their community and the love they had for their children.  I highly recommend this book.

I received this book free to review.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Hold Me Close By Marguerite Martin Gray

This book is rich in history that I was transported back to 1772.  I loved Elizabeth Elliott.  She was true to her feelings even if she was sacrificing the love of her family.  She could very easily pretend her loyalty to the crown.  But she knew she couldn't do this....

Louis Lestayette just wanted to do a profitable business in Charles Town, S.C.   But as he became closer to his aunt, uncle and Elizabeth, his beliefs and views began to change.

This was a delightful read.  This was much more than just another love story.  Louis took me on a journey as he grew in his faith and in his love for Elizabeth.  I am very impressed with Ms. Gray's research and writing skills.

I received this for free to review.

Hold Me Close By Marguerite Martin Gray

This book is rich in history that I was transported back to 1772.  I loved Elizabeth Elliott.  She was true to her feelings even if she was sacrificing the love of her family.  She could very easily pretend her loyalty to the crown.  But she knew she couldn't do this....

Louis Lestayette just wanted to do a profitable business in Charles Town, S.C.   But as he became closer to his aunt, uncle and Elizabeth, his beliefs and views began to change.

This was a delightful read.  This was much more than just another love story.  Louis took me on a journey as he grew in his faith and in his love for Elizabeth.  I am very impressed with Ms. Gray's research and writing skills.

I received this for free to review.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Sea Rose Lane by Irene Hannon

Sea Rose Lane by Irene Hannon

It is not often when I read a book and I feel that I'm part of the story.  I felt like I could have been a neighbor of Eric and BJ.

Every character had their own story to tell.  I genuinely cared for them.  It was a "feel good" book.  I enjoyed the journey to the very last page.

I have never read anything by Ms. Hannon before.  It sure won't be my last.  Her writing style was so comfortable that it carried me away.  I am thrilled to discover a new author.

The town is called Hope Harbor.  This town gives every resident a ray of hope.  It gave Luis hope for a better future.  It gave Eleanor hope of better days ahead.   It gave Eric hope to become whom he was meant to be.  BJ had hopes for a better future and to escape her past.  

I really loved this book.  Everyone should add this to their must read column.

All Summer Long by Melody Carlson

ALL SUMMER LONG by Melody Carlson

GOD has a plan for us.  He guides our steps.  He knows what we need.  This is true for Tia and Leo.

Tia is beyond excited when her Aunt calls her to come to San Francisco to help her start a new restaurant.  Tia loves to cook and is eager to make her mark in a new restaurant.  

Little does she know that her Aunt hired someone from her past to work with them-Leo.  Leo was the one that gave Tia her first kiss.  She has ever forgot that magical moment.

Leo and Tia have so much in common.  They are perfect for each other.  But Leo is engaged!

I enjoyed this story.  Both Leo and Tia are lovely characters who were good and honest people.  Tia always tried to do what is right and hated that she promised to keep secrets that could alter the course of events in her favor.

This was a light-hearted read that I enjoyed right to the end.   I highly recommend this book as a summer read.  It's perfect for the beach.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

No Other Will Do by Karen Witemeyer

Karen Witemeyer -  No Other Will Do

I stayed up to 2:00 am as I was getting close to the end.  I had to know who was responsible....who threatened the community and caused such heartbreak.  I quickly turned one page to another and it was finished.  Great ending to a wonderful story.

I'm sure there has been many times we wished to live on our own away from men.  It doesn't take long before we realize how important the men in our lives are just like Emma did.  Mal always had a special place in her heart but she never told him so.

Mal thought Emma was an Angel.  She was his Angel from the moment he first laid his eyes on her.  He knew she way beyond his reach and he left her without explaining his quick departure.

Their love for each other started as friendship.  They put each other before the other.  They shared a very special bond.  Emma knew Mal was always there for her.  So when's he was in trouble he was the first one she reached out to help.

I love the strength and integrity of Emma and Mal.  They treated friends, family and strangers with kindness.  They would do what they could to help others.

This was a  great story.  I enjoyed the plot, the characters, the location and especially how it ended.


I am so excited that I am ready to burst.  Barbour Publishing has given me the opportunity to give one lucky follower this new release. Wand...