Thursday, February 15, 2018

No Small Storm- Ann Mateer

Remembrance (Mem) is the name of the main character in this page turning story.  I don't think I'll forget this story of the storm and Mem rescuing Simon and Timothy in more ways than one.

She works hard rescuing everyone in her family.  But without help Mem might lose what she holds dear to her heart.  She finds it difficult to be vulnerable.  She doesn't find true happiness until she takes a risk.

Can Mem And Simon make their dreams come true?

Enjoyable and a page turner!

I received this free to review.


To celebrate her tour, Anne is giving away a grand prize of a reader bag of goodies—including a Pride and Prejudice fleece throw, a “reading” charm necklace from Storied Jewelry, a Secret Garden litograph tote bag, and a $25 Amazon gift card!!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

About the Author

anne_2_web cropAnne Mateer has loved reading and writing stories since childhood. She is the author of 4 historical novels, 1 historical novella, and a few contemporary short stories. Anne and her husband of 30 years, Jeff, love to visit their grown children and tour historical sites. They are currently living an empty nest adventure in Austin, TX.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

This Treacherous Journey

Emma, pregnant and widowed, must flee after being wrongly accused of a crime.  Her twin brother is right by her side as they attempt to travel to Canada.

Simeon must flee to escape his pain.  He felt responsible for his wife's death.  How could he have abandoned his children?    Can he ever forgive himself?  Could he ever love again?a

Simeon and Emma learn that GOD has them in the palm of His hand.  He is always there to guide them and protect them.  As they travel to Canada,  their love begins to develop.  Simeon is afraid that he can't protect Emma.  Emma wants to protect Simeon because she knows she must say good-bye once they reach their destination.

Wonderful story of how God works in mysterious ways.  The author clearly described their environment and location.  I could picture it as I read page after page.  I was right there along side them.

I received this free to review.


To celebrate her tour, Misty is giving away a grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

About the Author

MistyMisty M. Beller writes romantic mountain stories, set on the 1800s frontier and woven with the truth of God’s love.
She was raised on a farm in South Carolina, so her Southern roots run deep. Growing up, her family was close, and they continue to keep that priority today. Her husband and daughters now add another dimension to her life, keeping her both grounded and crazy.
God has placed a desire in Misty’s heart to combine her love for Christian fiction and the simpler ranch life, writing historical novels that display God’s abundant love through the twists and turns in the lives of her characters.
Writing is a dream come true for Misty. Her family–both immediate and extended–is the foundation that holds her secure in that dream. Learn more at

Sunday, February 11, 2018

21 Days of Love

I opened this collection and loved every short story that was included in it.

I finished this collection in one night.  Each story had a special message to share of GOD's love for you.  I would have a difficult time to pick just one story as my favorite as each one touched me in someway.  

This would be a great gift for a girlfriend or anyone you know who is having a hard time especially during Valentine's Day.

Great collection by some wonderful authors that I am familiar with.  

I received this free to review.  

About the Author

Kathy Ide-rectangle (1)Compiler and editor KATHY IDE has been a published author since 1989. She has written fiction and nonfiction books and is the author of Proofreading Secrets of Best-Selling Authors. She has ghostwritten ten nonfiction books and a series of five novels. She also writes columns of writing and editing tips for blogs and newsletters. Kathy makes her home in Orange County, California.


To celebrate her tour, Kathy is giving away a
2 Grand Prizes of a full set of the 21 Days Hardback books
3 first place prizes of a hardback copy of 21 Days of Love
4 second place prizes of an eBook copy of 21 Days of Love!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

Her Good Girl

Sadie was a "Good Girl".  She didn't question her mother or Tara-Lynn as she called her.  Sadie was sick and Sadie was weak.  Sadie was a "Good Girl" when she would let her mother take care of her.

Sadie became friends with Sky and Callie.  Through these friendships, she begins to question if she really is a "Good Girl" or abused girl.

Sadie with her family all get to the point where they have to re-evaluate their lives.  With this re-evaulation, growth and change can occur.

Interesting and thought provoking book.  Sometimes not easy to read but so glad I stuck it out and finished.

I received this free to review.

About the Author

Elaine StockElaine Stock is the author of Always With You, which released in January 2016 and has won the 2017 Christian Small Publishers Association Book of the Year Award in fiction. And You Came Along, a novella, released in December 2017. Her novels fuse romance, family drama and faith in a clean fiction style. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, and Women’s Fiction Writers Association, and contributes to the international “Happy Sis Magazine” and “InD’tale Magazine.” In addition to Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads, she hangs out on her active six-year-old blog, Everyone’s Story, dedicated to uplifting and encouraging all readers through the power of story and hope.
Born in Brooklyn, NY, Elaine has now been living in upstate, rural New York with her husband for more years than her stint as a NYC gal. She enjoys long walks down country roads, visiting New England towns, and of course, a good book.

To celebrate her tour, Elaine is giving away a grand prize of 1 Tote + 1 print (US only) or eBook of Her Good Girl, Always With You, and And You Came Along.
Three others will win 1 eBook of Her Good Girl each!!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

Saturday, February 10, 2018

211/2018: Liza's Second Chance

"…I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead."
(Philippians 3:13, NLT)

Lisa owned the bakery in town.  She loved her job.  She loved her family and the Amish community she lived in.  She was a widow from a very unhappy marriage.  She appreciated her freedom and never wanted to experience pain and harsh criticism ever again.

Jacob, a widower, moved to Charm, Ohio to start a new life with his teenage daughter.  He prayed that one day he would meet someone to share the rest of his life with.  

Jacob walks into the bakery and he is smitten with Liza.  Was there any chance for the two of them to have a future together?  Will Jacob's daughter accept Liza?

Lisa allowed the past to put up a wall for protection.  Jacob came across a little strong ( in my opinion).  He needed to learn patience.  Jacob's daughter, Ellie, had to work through her grief before she can move forward.

The characters were warm and caring.  Charm, Ohio did have a few residents who were critical and judgmental.  

Great story.  I enjoyed it and loved how it worked out in the end.

I received this for free to review.


To celebrate her tour, Molly is giving away a $75 Amazon gift card!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

About the Author

6-10-2016 leaning good shot greenshirtMolly Jebber’s books have been featured on Publisher’s Weekly’s Best Ten Recommended Reads, in USA Today’s HEA, Romantic Times and many other media sites. She’s tours and speaks about Amish history/traditions, writing, marketing, publishing, and about her books. She loves God, her family, friends. She enjoys swimming, golf, reading, and says yes to butterscotch pie and parasailing, but no to coconut and skydiving! Visit for a complete list of her books and speaking events.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

My Heart Belongs in Niagara Falls, New York- Adele's Journey by Amanda Barratt

My Heart Belongs in Niagara Falls, New York was one of suspense, sacrifice and love.  I have been to Niagara Falls so the location was interesting to me.

Adele came from England to Niagara Falls looking for an American husband to save her family home.  She didn't expect to meet Drew.  Drew was looking for ways to save his sister and would even put his life at risk to do so.

Would Adele and Drew find what they were looking for?  Or did they find that GOD had a plan for them?

I received this free to review.

Friday, February 2, 2018

2/3/2018: Soul's Cry

I read this book and was immediately drawn into the mystery.  I didn't read the first book of this series so it took me awhile to clarify who was who.

Ione, Miriam and Janet all were trying to overcome their pasts.  They each had a secret that they wanted to keep hidden. But sometimes you have to face the past to move forward.

Danger was in the name of Clarence Tamm.  He had a plan.  A Dangerous Plan.

As I read this book, I felt so sad for Ione.  She had gone through so much.  She worked so hard to get where she be accepted by her community.  As Ione was working so hard to be accepted she failed to accept herself.  She neglected her own self worth.  She could not forgive herself of the choices She made.
She failed to realize that she was forgiven by GOD.  With this realization, Ione could open her heart and see all the possibilities that were available to her.  

I received this free to review.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Their Daring Hearts- Sharlene MacLaren

Josephine Winters felt driven to enlist in the Union Army.  But there is a problem: she is a girl.  This doesn't stop her!

Levi is a Quaker.  But he had a calling to enlist in the Army.

Both felt that GOD was calling them to do more in their lives.  Because of this they met under grueling circumstances...but Levi met Josephine as Gordon Snipp.

Their relationship developed from friendship and their faith in GOD.

I loved this story. It was a quick page turner.  I love historical books and this did not disappoint.

This is a book of fiction based on history.  There were women who served in the Civil War disguised as men.  It is hard to imagine but they were driven to serve, an example of this is Sarah Edmonds aka Frank Thompson.

I received this free to review.

To celebrate her tour, Whitaker House is giving away:
Grand Prize Package: Their Daring Hearts (Forever Freedom Series) #2 by Sharlene MacLaren; Summer on Sunset Ridge (Forever Freedom Series #1) signed by the author, Sharlene MacLaren, Abba Jerusalem Hyssop 6” Pillar Candle.
1st Place: Their Daring Hearts (Forever Freedom Series) #2 by Sharlene MacLaren; Heart of Mercy (Tennessee Dreams #1) by Sharlene MacLaren; Whitaker House/Anchor Coloring Book with Colored Pencils.
2nd Place: Their Daring Hearts (Forever Freedom Series) #2 by Sharlene MacLaren; Whitaker House/Anchor Coloring Book with Colored Pencils.!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

About the Author

SharHS552x784Born and raised in western Michigan, Sharlene MacLaren graduated from Spring Arbor University then traveled nationally with a contemporary Christian vocal ensemble. She married Cecil, with whom she’d grown up in Spring Arbor, and the couple had two daughters. Shar embarked on a teaching career that would span over 30 years. As she contemplated retirement, Shar sought God’s guidance, praying for a vocation that would provide the kind of fulfillment and joy she experienced as a teacher and mother. A lifelong gifted story teller, she began to write Christian romance novels. Her first book, Through Every Storm, published in 2007, was met with critical acclaim and brisk sales. The rest, as they say, is history. Whitaker House’s bestselling fiction author, she’s subsequently published 18 books, mostly historical romances. Shar enjoys reading, singing in her church choir and worship team, traveling, and spending time with her husband, children, and grandchildren. She’s very interactive on Facebook and Twitter. For more:, Twitter @ sharzy_lu.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Ain't Misbehaving - Dallas Duets 1 by Marji Laine

Annalee did the right thing when she pled guilty.  But she sure paid the price!  She was assigned to community service at an after-school daycare.  What did she know about Kids?  What she didn't know was her life was about to change!!!!

CJ Whelen loved running the daycare.  He was a vital part of the community.  He forgot to mention to Annalee that he was the wealthy son of a prominent business man.  A big mistake!

 I was intrigued seeing that there was a probation officer in the story.  I am a retired Probation Officer. But my unethical Laurel Stewart was.  I literally could have wrung her  neck.  She sure was nasty.

I enjoyed the story.  It was a treat being with Annalee on her spiritual journey.

I received this free to review.

About the Author

Marji LaineMarji Laine has completed seventeen years of homeschooling with the surreal notion that
she’ll now have time on her hands. But that’s unlikely. Her publishing company, Write Integrity Press, keeps her extremely busy. In her spare time, she teaches a high school and college Bible Study, leads a Sunday morning high school fellowship group, directs a children’s choir, and sings in her church’s adult choir.
She enjoys road trips with her family and friends, photography, scrapbooking, and participating in musical theater. Her favorite past time is game night with her family and her kids’ extended collection of friends.


To celebrate her tour, Marji is giving away a grand prize of Dallas chocolates, Texas snack box, and a packet of Bluebonnet seeds!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Son of Promise

I didn't realize that this was a book in a series I previously read.  I was pleasantly surprised.

Cody's story is one we all have experienced sometime or another.  It made me think of the hymn - Amazing Grace's line :

"I once was lost but now I'm found"

This stood out for me.  Cody was almost a cast off.  He was lost in the system-lost in direction - lost in hopes and dreams.

But the strangest thing happened when he opened his heart to Jesus.  Love poured in.  He had a family.  He found God.  His world turning upside down.

Emmie and Travis welcomed Cody into their home and loved him unconditionally.  Just like Jesus - he loves all of us unconditionally  He is always waiting there praying that he will open the door for him and let him into our hearts.

Cody was the son of promise to Emmie and Travis.

Jesus was the son we were promised.

I loved the story.  I recommend this for anyone that needs a reminder that miracles can happen.

I received this free to review.

About the Author;

Caryl McAdoo prays her story brings God glory, and a quick scroll through her novels’ rankings by Christian readers attests to the Father’s faithfulness. She loves writing almost as much as singing the new songs He gives her—look her up on YouTube to hear a few. Her high school sweetheart husband won her heart fifty-two years ago, and now they share four children and seventeen grandsugars. Ron and Caryl live in the woods south of Clarksville, seat of Red River County in far Northeast Texas, waiting expectantly for God to open the next door.

To celebrate her tour, Caryl is giving away

GRAND PRIZE : $50 Amazon Gift Card
1st Prize: Choice-of-Caryl’s Titles (print or ebook)
2nd-4th: ebook of SON OF PROMISE!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

A Courtship on Huckleberry Hill by Jennifer Beckstrand

I have read many books based in. Huckleberry Hill and I love this community and all the characters located there.  They are real and fun to get to know.  How could you not love Mammi and her lack of cooking skills?

Elsie was no way looking for love when she took the teaching position.  She wanted to teach her students and get over her feeling of rejection when she was let go by her previous position.  She did not know What to expect when Sam stormed into her classroom.

Sam did everything he could for his brother, Wally, and his family.  But not everything he did was helpful.

Sam and Elsie clashed almost every time they got together. It was a joy reading about their developing relationship.

Wally, Sam's younger brother, is a central figure in this story.  He learned some valuable lessons.  It is an example of how words and actions can influence your beliefs and behavior.

I received this for free to review.  I give it five stars!

Lovely story.  Touching and encouraging.

To celebrate her tour, Jennifer is giving away a $10 Amazon gift card to three winners!!

About the Author

Jennifer BeckstrandJennifer Beckstrand is the RITA-nominated, award-winning Amish romance author of The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hillseries and The Honeybee Sisters series for Kensington Books. Her much-anticipated Amish series, The Honeybee Sisters, has created a lot of romantic buzz. Sweet as Honey received a starred review from Publisher’s Weekly and Sweet as Honey and A Bee in her Bonnet were both awarded Top Picks from RT Book Reviews. Jennifer has always been drawn to the strong faith and the enduring family ties of the Plain people and loves writing about the antics of Anna and Felty Helmuth and the Honeybee sisters’aendi Bitsy. Jennifer has a degree in mathematics and a passion for Jane Austen and Shakespeare. She and her husband have been married for thirty-three years, and she has six children and six adorable grandchildren, whom she spoils rotten.

A Fresh Start for the Country Nurse

Okay. Raise your hand if you love Call The Midwife or All Creatures Great and Small on PBS!  I love both these shows.  This book is based in...