Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Jodie Wolfe's Taming Julia

Taming Julia...really?  Julia or Jules as she likes to be called has lived a life that you wouldn't call ordinary.  She has never had a placed to call home.  Drew had a home but felt that he didn't belong.  What happens when their two worlds collide?

I enjoyed the interactions between Julia and Drew. He had expectations of what a female should look and act but Jules was not typical.  She tried to conform to his expectations. He also attempted to conform to what a minister should be.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14

A lesson learned: we are each unique and special. GOD planned it that way.  He doesn't want Julia to be just like everyone else. This is something that Drew and Julia learn as they start to develop feelings for each other.


I am a woman who has stood on the sidelines for too long.
I am a woman who wants to break out.
I am a woman who wants to step away from the shadows and into the light.
But, I'll be truthful.
I'm scared.
I don't know exactly what it looks like and frankly, I'm just taking one step and then I'm praying for the courage to take another step.
I'm determined to find hope along the way.
I would love to have you join me on this journey.
Together, I'm praying we'll be transformed and step into who we really are.

Who God called us to be.

1 comment:

The Pick-Pocket's Return

I just completed a wonderful series by Lindsey Hutchinson.   I accidentally found her first book and loved it.  Fortunately, I have been abl...