Saturday, November 14, 2020

Truly, Madly, Deeply

 Karen Kingsbury knows how to pull on your heart strings.  This book does that and more.  She delivers a powerful message with Annalee and the Baxter family.  

This message is for everyone.  Not one person is excluded from life's ups and downs.  We all suffer somehow from loss and fear.  We all celebrate our successes and joy.  But whom should we turn to in the good and bad times?  GOD.  He has our back.  Always.

I could relate to this story as I am a retired juvenile probation officer.  Every day brought unexpected challenges and danger.  I prayed daily for the strength, wisdom, protection and the words that GOD only could provide as I went about my business.  

After I retired I worked part-time for a police department.  I saw the positive impact that was made in the community by good and honest officers.  During these times it is a difficult task.  It is sometimes a thankless job.  But I also saw the  community embrace the officers.  Families and businesses would stop and thank the officers.  Officers were well fed as often they would come in with food.

Not everyone can do this job.  It is a calling.  Tommy knew that this is what he wanted to do with his life.  

Great book.  I highly recommend it.

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