Monday, January 18, 2021

Faith, Farming, And Family

GOD has a plan for you. I believe that.  I haven't always believed that.  During my low moments, I questioned what was wrong with me?  Why did my marriage fail?  What did I do wrong?  It had to be my fault after two failed marriages. 

I prayed. I suffered.  I hurt.  But I continued on..what choice did I have?  Every day was a struggle until one day I felt a little better and realized that GOD was working in my life. He had a plan.  I was in a hurry.  GOD knew what was in store for me.  

Seven years later I met a man that I totally believe GOD had planned for me.  My soulmate.  The love of my life.  I can look back and see how GOD blessed my life.  I appreciate what I have so much more because of my past.

I was given the chance to read Faith, Farming and Family by Caitlin Henderson. I never heard of this young woman who wrote this beautiful book.  She opened her heart and life to her readers.  It was a wonderful read.  She touched my heart with her writing.  I immediately signed up for her blog.  

I highly recommend this book to my friends and family.  Ms. Henderson has something to say that is valuable for us all.

I received this book from Waterbrook & Multnomah to review for free.

About Author:

I’m an author, speaker, and woman on a mission. I want to impact the Kingdom of God, but I don’t want to do it alone. I’m here to encourage you and speak truth into your life so that we can start a domino effect that goes on for generations of women boldly going where God calls. So friend, I’m going to metaphorically grab your hand and look you in the eyes and ask you a question. Do you believe God wants to use you for His glory? (He does) Then sis, let’s go!

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