Sunday, January 17, 2021

His Wagon Train Sweetheart by Catherine Kennedy

A sweet little story that has the main character in a very unusual occupation.  Georgianna or George was a wagon train driver.  She was confident and self assured as long as she was driving the team of oxens.

It goes to show you that everything is not what it seems.  George had low self esteem.  Was she pretty enough?  Was she good enough?  These are questions that many people ask themselves? 

George's world turned upside down when she met Elijah and his mother.  Elijah and Georgianna were not just on the trail outwest but on the trail of self discovery. 

I received this free from ARC to review.


Catherine grew up reading Little House on the Prairie books, then watched it on TV. She doesn't mind admitting she had a HUGE childhood crush on Charles Ingalls :D

She also watched every episode of The Waltons ever made (she didn't count them but is pretty sure she's watched them all!!).
Next came Dr Quinn: Medicine Woman and another leading man to swoon over(!!), and a wonderful strong female leading character.
It's no wonder that Catherine chose to write Christian historical romances set in the 1860s. Join her in the fictional community of Walton Valley to follow the lives, and loves, of the settlers.

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