Saturday, December 4, 2021

Protecting Annie

 I am with you; do not be anxious: I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. ~Isaiah 41:10 (NAB) the Book

A sweet story with a very important message.  GOD is with you always.   In bad times, we need to hold on to get us through.  In good times, we need to give thanks and acknowledging GOD'S blessings.

Annie had no friends or family.  She thought she was alone.  Josh carried a terrible burden.  His guilt was eating him up.  GOD was waiting patiently for them to acknowledge his presence.  

I was divorced and felt so alone.  I was embarrassed and felt angry that this could happen to me.  During this time, I can remember feeling that GOD let me down.  It didn't take long for me to know that GOD was there and he gave me the strength and courage to carry on.  I was never alone.  He didn't let me down.  He was there carrying me and holding me up the entire time.

The Story had some unexpected twists and turns.  How could you not love Wolf, the dog?  Wolf wasn't the beast he was made out to be.  

I received this ebook from Celebrate Lit to review.  

Book: Protecting Annie

Author: Jodie Wolfe

Genre: Western Historical Romance

Release date: November 12, 2021

9781522303558After twenty years living along the trail as a deputy U.S. Marshal, Joshua Walker takes a job as sheriff in Burrton Springs, Kansas so he can be closer to his sister. Only problem is, she no longer requires his protecting.

After the death of her father, Annie McPherson needs a change. She accepts a position as schoolmarm hoping her past won’t catch up with her. Life is good, except for the pesky lawman who creates confrontations at every turn and continually questions her ability to adjust to life in the west.

When the irritating schoolteacher’s past and present collide, dragging Josh into the turmoil, he has to decide who he’s willing to defend.


Click here to get your copy!


About the AuthorJodieWolfe

Jodie Wolfe creates novels where hope and quirky meet. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), Faith, Hope & Love Christian Writers, and COMPEL Training. She’s been a semi-finalist and finalist in various writing contests. A former columnist for Home School Enrichment magazine, her articles can be found online at: Crosswalk, Christian Devotions, and Heirloom Audio. When not writing she enjoys spending time with her husband in Pennsylvania, reading, walking, and being a Grammie. Learn more at


More from Jodie

I’ve always been fond of reading mail-order bride books. Not that I would have ever had the courage to do something so brave. 🙂 But it’s fun writing and reading them. I also love perusing historical journal entries of women who decided to marry a complete stranger. Sometimes it worked out great, other times, not so much. In most cases, the heroine traveled across country to arrive in the west to meet her potential groom. Often they had no idea what each other looked like before they met for the first time. Not that looks matter.

At times the woman was given the opportunity to get to know the fella for a while before they actually married. Other times, they tied the knot as soon as the potential wife arrived at their destination. Some women fled desperate situations in the east, hoping for a better outcome only to find themselves embroiled in another bad position. All of the different scenarios I’ve read about helped to prime the pump for Protecting Annie.


In book one of my Burrton Springs Brides series, Taming Julia, I had the heroine’s brother, Josh set Jules (Julia) up as a mail-order bride. As I was writing that story, I knew it would be fun to change things up in book two and have Jules return the favor by ordering a mail-order bride for Josh. That’s the premise for this new story. Josh isn’t exactly thrilled to learn of his sister’s interference in his life and decision to remain single.


I hope you’ll enjoy the story of two unlikely people who are thrown together.

Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, November 30

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, November 30

Texas Book-aholic, December 1

Inklings and notions, December 2

For Him and My Family, December 3

deb’s Book Review, December 4

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, December 5

Jeanette’s Thoughts, December 5

Locks, Hooks and Books, December 6

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, December 7

Bizwings Blog, December 7

Connie’s History Classroom, December 8

Mary Hake, December 8

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, December 9

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, December 10

Stephanie’s life of Determination, December 10

The Meanderings of a Bookworm, December 11

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 12

Vicky Sluiter, December 12

Labor Not in Vain, December 13


To celebrate her tour, Jodie is giving away the grand prize of an audio CD of 12 historical novels and novellas. Stories of chivalry, adventure and romance!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

1 comment:

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