Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Managing Millie


The conclusion to this wonderful series did not disappoint.  Millie was hard to manage but she was wise beyond her years.  She knew what she wanted and it was Troy.

It is hard to fathom how life was like then.  Susan Pope Sloan did a fantastic job describing the chaos and pain that so many suffered from during this period of time.

A great story that kept me entertained to the very last page.  I highly recommend reading all three books of this series.

Susan Pope Sloan


Susan is a Christian, wife, mother, grandmother, writer and speaker. She calls herself a history junkie, grammar umpire, critical reader, and sporadic singer. Although retired, Susan stays busy with her local Toastmasters clubs and Word Weavers Columbus. Her writing includes non-fiction, children’s stories, and historical fiction. Susan hopes her writing will engage and inspire others to live well.

After retiring from a career in technical writing, Susan turned to Christian fiction to combine her love of history and language. She and her husband live in Georgia. Her current project is a historical novel series, but she enjoys writing children’s stories for her grandchildren.

Friday, May 26, 2023

The Unwanted Amish Twin


Emma and Isobel were twins that were separated when they were only a few days old.  They lived so very different lives.  Emma was Amish and Isobel was an Englisher.  

One morning Emma answered the door and standing in front of her was her twin.  At that moment, their lives changed forever.

I did not expect the book to end the way it did.  I was surprised.  I won't give it away. But hold on to your chair!!

I enjoy reading Samantha Price' books.  This was a stand alone book.  I liked this one but there were times where I wanted to shake the daylights out of...I promised I won't give away the story.

I received to ebook from the author herself, Samantha Price.  Thank you.

Samantha Price is a USA Today bestselling author of Amish romance books and cozy mysteries. She was raised Brethren and has a deep affinity for the Amish way of life, which she has explored extensively with over a decade of research.

All her books are clean and wholesome reads. 

Samantha is mother to two pampered rescue cats, and a very spoiled staffy with separation issues.

One Pan Wonders Cookbook


I'm not a cook.  I will admit that.  But Wanda's cookbooks are wonderful and the recipes are easy to make.  

I just made Amish Beef Stroganoff.  It was delicious.  My husband loved it and it was not that difficult to make.  That's a big win.  I will make this again.

What a great gift for a bridal shower gift.


Thursday, May 25, 2023

Revell- In the Shadow of the River

Jacie was born with a secret.  This secret altered not only her life but for so many others.  She was unsure of her past.  She found it confusing to look to the future.

Jacie was known as Princess on the showboat.  They became her family.  Gabe was just like an older brother.  But as she got older she was beginning to feel different. Each one had a talent that made the showboat so successful. It was vaudeville on a ship.

It was an interesting story.  I never read anything like this before. They all looked at the showboat as their home.  

I received this from Revell to review.  


Ann H. Gabhart grew up on a farm in Kentucky. By the time she was ten years old she knew she wanted to be a writer. She's published twenty novels in several different genres and one non-fiction biography/memoir. She and her husband, Darrell have three children and nine grandchildren. She still lives on a farm and keeps on writing. Her Shaker books have been popular with readers and are set in a Shaker Village in the 1800's. The Outsider was a Christian Fiction Book Award Finalist in 2009. She's also written a series of books about a preacher and his daughter in small town America (the fictional town of Hollyhill, KY) set in the 1960's.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Karen Witemeyer- Fairest of Heart

Penelope, scantily clothed, found herself tied to a tree in the middle of the woods.  She was losing hope.  Her future didn't look so bright.

But strange things happen.  Once rescued, her life changed.  She was adopted by a group of older men that lived together.  Each man had a story to tell and something to overcome in their own lives.  They weren't judgmental or cynical even though they easily could be.  

The wonderful characters that lived at the Diamond D Ranch were a joy to get to know! I couldn't pick out a favorite one. Penelope and her new "grandfathers" developed such a warm and loving relationship. Family is not always blood related.

I really enjoyed the book.  I liked the relationships between the characters.  There was such warmth, respect and comfort that they gave each other. 

I received this ebook from the author to review.

For those who love to smile as they read, bestselling author Karen Witemeyer offers warmhearted historical romance with a flair for humor, feisty heroines, and swoon-worthy Texas heroes. Voted #1 Readers' Favorite Christian Romance Author in 2019 by Family Fiction Magazine, Karen is a multiple award-winning author and a firm believer in the power of happy endings. She is an avid cross-stitcher, tea drinker, and gospel hymn singer who makes her home in Abilene, TX with her heroic husband who vanquishes laundry dragons and dirty dish villains whenever she's on deadline. Learn more about Karen and her books at www.karenwitemeyer.com.

The Secret to Happiness

Callie was dedicated to make her dream come true.  She made personal sacrifices to be a success. But it all came to an end.  What will she do now?  Who was she? 

I worked 28 years as a professional.  I saw co-workers and supervisors who sacrificed their personal lives due to their occupation.  They didn't use their vacation time and even lost their accrued time due to not taking it.  I saw marriages fail.  And even drug addictions.   I also saw how quickly they replaced a worker with another after an unexpected death. What did they give up to achieve success in the workplace? Where they happy?

Callie needed an escape. She was finding it difficult to cope. How lucky for her that she ran into her favorite aunt at a ice cream making course. 

Callie was at a crossroad.   Fortunately for her, she had family to support and care for her wellbeing.  Her cousin referred her to a Saturday morning group called The Secret of Happiness.  

Is there a secret?  Can we achieve happiness in just a few steps?  

This is Book 2 of the Cape Cod Creamers Series.  I have read both and loved them.  An enjoyable story with believable characters.

I received this book to review from Revell.


Suzanne Woods Fisher is the bestselling, award winning author of fiction and non-fiction books about the Old Order Amish for Revell Books, host of the radio-show-turned-blog Amish Wisdom, a columnist for Christian Post and Cooking & Such magazine.

Her interest in the Amish began with her grandfather, who was raised Plain. A theme in her books (her life!) is that you don’t have to “go Amish” to incorporate the principles of simple living.

Suzanne lives in California with her family and raises puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind. To her way of thinking, you just can't life too seriously when a puppy is tearing through your house with someone's underwear in its mouth.

Suzanne can be found on-line at: www.suzannewoodsfisher.com


Sunday, May 21, 2023

Hard Times on Weaver Street

I felt I was welcomed home to Weaver Street when I had the privilege to read the next chapter of these wonderful neighbors.  New neighbors were introduced. Would they fit in?  Will Weaver Street change?

I loved that the neighborhood was one of different cultures and economic status.  They pulled together and survived the bad times.  They came together to celebrate the good times. It was lovely to see how they united.  You don't see that in today's world.

My favorite character was Kitty.  She had such high hopes for her future.  She arrived on Weaver Street as a young bride and developed into one of the strongest on the street.

I really enjoy period pieces.  This was a page turner.  


@ RachelRandomReads



Hard Times on Weaver Street

When the Great Depression hits Liverpool hard, can Weaver Street's close knit community keep each other safe?

As Liverpool and its residents begin to heal from the wounds and memories of World War I, life on Weaver Street in 1924 is blessedly peaceful. 

At number eleven, widow Kitty Conlon is dreaming about her upcoming wedding to John, while at number nine her best friend Maggie is cursing her bad luck as she juggles the demands of her cantankerous mother, stroppy daughter and fly-by-night beau. At number fifteen, Mavis has a mysterious new lodger, while further along the street the O Malley family are missing their beloved Ireland.

But as the Depression begins to bite, and the arrival of the Muller family on Weaver Street signals the worrying drumbeats of conflict coming from Germany, the fragile happiness and peace Liverpool has been enjoying looks destined to end. And as the neighbours pull together in the toughest of times, the women on Weaver Street face the prospect of waving their menfolk off to war.

Purchase Link - https://mybook.to/hardtimessocial

Author Bio –

Chrissie Walsh was born and raised in West Yorkshire and is a retired schoolteacher with a passion for history. She has written several successful sagas documenting feisty women in challenging times for Aria. Welcome to Weaver Street, the first title in her new WW1 saga series for Boldwood.

Social Media Links –

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063501278251

Twitter https://twitter.com/WalshChrissie

Bookbub profile: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/chrissie-walsh

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The Orchard

Another touching read by Beverly Lewis.  She has a way with words.  Her books about the Amish shows her love for the people she writes about.  
Ellie and her brother learn valuable lessons in this story.  Unfortunately, we have to realize that everyone has free will.  We sometimes can see the error of their ways.  But lecturing to them won't change their mind. We have to sit back and let them make the mistakes. My mother warned me not to marry my 1st husband.  I knew what was best.  NOT!!

In this case, Ellie's brother, Evan, won't file as a conscientious objecter. He could as he was Amish.  But he was determined to serve his country.  He paid a major sacrifice but gained much from this situation.

Have you ever had to go through something that was difficult or emotional?  Did you learn anything about yourself?  

I suggest you pick this up.  A great story.  An example of a family's love for each other.
ABout the Author:

Beverly Lewis was born in Pennsylvania Amish country and was both a schoolteacher and an accomplished musician before becoming an award-winning, bestselling author. She and her husband, David, live in Colorado.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Shameful Secrets on Coronation Close

The neighbors on Coronation Close were an interesting bunch.  But they all had their secrets.  

Sad, that by keeping secrets they couldn't get the help they could have benefitted from.  

Thelma found herself in a predicament.  But she carried on with her secret.

Harriet aka Harry kept his secret out of fear.

Jenny didn't let anyone know why her husband wasn't home and why she didn't care he was away.

I love reading historical books based in England.  This was an enjoyable read.


Lizzie Lane has published over fifty novels, most of which have been sagas which have made it into the top thirty bestselling paperbacks on a number of occasions. has published over fifty novels, most of which have been sagas which have made it into the top thirty bestselling paperbacks on a number of occasions.

A one time live aboard sailor, she's now a landlubber living in Somerset still avidly writing, but also between times seeking out bargains in charity shops, redecorating and redesigning rooms, drinking too much wine and indulging in home cooked food. Apart from that she's perfectly normal.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Must Love Flowers

Grief: deep and poignant distress caused by or as if by bereavement

There is no way around it.  We all at one time or another will experience grief.  How we handle grief is the difference.
Joan lost her husband unexpectedly 4 years ago.  This loss was more than she could handle.  Covid hit and she was even more isolated.  
What happened to Joan to make a change in her life after 4 years?  Joan made one step towards healing (or at least movement in a different direction) that started to change her life in a more positive way.
Debbie Macomber touches on a very sensitive subject.  I know of friends and family who wallowed in their grief.  I also know of others who used their grief, their experiences, to help others. 
Joan found she wasn't alone.  And with this knowledge she made the changes to continue on.
I enjoyed the book.  The characters could be any one of us.  


Debbie Macomber, the author of It’s Better This Way, A Walk Along the Beach, Window on the Bay, Cottage by the Sea, Any Dream Will Do, If Not for You, and the Rose Harbor Inn series, is a leading voice in women’s fiction. Thirteen of her novels have reached #1 on the New York Times bestseller list, and five of her beloved Christmas novels have been hit movies on the Hallmark Channel, including Mrs. Miracle and Mr. Miracle. Hallmark Channel also produced the original series Debbie Macomber’s Cedar Cove, based on Macomber’s Cedar Cove books. She is, as well, the author of the cookbook Debbie Macomber’s Table. There are more than 200 million copies of her books in print worldwide.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Rocky Mountain Rendezvous

 What were Rose and her sisters thinking?  I can't imagine going out in the wilderness so very far from home.  But they promised their father that they would grant his last request. He wanted them to find a certain Piegan Blackfoot woman and give her back blue beads that she gave him so many years ago.  

The sisters were focused on completing their task.  They never expected their lives to change as they explored the picturesque Rocky Mountains.  Thank goodness, Riley Turner was there to help them and give them his protection. But what will protect his heart?

I was introduced to Misty M. Beller's books a few years ago.  She does an amazing job describing the sights and sounds of the wilderness. I always want to read her books.  She never disappoints. 

I received this book to review from Celebrate Lit. 


About the Book

Book: Rocky Mountain Rendezvous

Author: Misty M. Beller

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release date: June 6, 2023

In 1837, Juniper Collins and her sisters are shocked by their father’s final request in his will for a special set of beads to be returned to a Piegan Blackfoot woman he credits with saving his life during his travels west. Together, the sisters set out for the trapper rendezvous to find the woman, but their mission turns more daunting when they come upon the mass of men and lodges spread out in the Green River Valley.

Riley Turner came west to find peace and quiet and live off the land, but when four unprotected women arrive at the rendezvous, he feels compelled to help them and is more fascinated by Juniper than any other woman he’s known.

As their search brings only empty leads and dead ends, the sisters must decide whether to return east or stay in the mountains to continue looking–and that’s if the mystery woman is even still alive. Is the risk to honor their father’s last request worth the danger they find at every turn?

Discover the majesty–and treachery–of the Rocky Mountains in this unique combination of exhilarating adventure, inspiring faith, and sweet romance from USA Today bestselling author Misty M. Beller.

More from Misty

What IS a trapper rendezvous?

Rocky Mountain Rendezvous is the story of four sisters who head west to accomplish their father’s deathbed request—return a special set of beads to a Blackfoot woman who saved his life during his travels west two decades earlier. The sisters head west with the supply wagons bound for the 1837 trapper rendezvous to find the native woman. But the sight that greeted them in the Green River Valley (in modern-day Wyoming) was nothing like they expected!


Supply wagons would come from the east every summer, and mountain men and natives would come from all throughout the Rockies to trade furs for the supplies they’d need in the coming year. This was usually the only opportunity for trading each year, so EVERYONE came and the camp stretched for miles. This was a great time for friends to catch up, and the festivities always included a great deal of drinking and horse racing. The rendezvous was a sight to behold!

In Rocky Mountain Rendezvous, Riley Turner is one of the trappers at the meet-up, and he realizes immediately what kind of danger the ladies are in from unscrupulous men in the crowd. He helps them with their search, and they find so much more than they expected along the way!

Each book in this series will take place during a different year, featuring a different rendezvous. Definitely fodder for fun stories. I pray you love this first book as the Collins sisters embark on the search of a lifetime.



 About the Author

Misty M. Beller is a USA Today bestselling author of romantic mountain stories, set on the 1800s frontier and woven with the truth of God’s love.

Raised on a farm and surrounded by family, Misty developed her love for horses, history, and adventure. These days, her husband and children provide fresh adventure every day, keeping her both grounded and crazy.

Misty’s passion is to create inspiring Christian fiction infused with the grandeur of the mountains, writing historical romance that displays God’s abundant love through the twists and turns in the lives of her characters.

Sharing her stories with readers is a dream come true for Misty. She writes from her country home in South Carolina and escapes to the mountains any chance she gets.

 Blog Stops

A Baker’s Perspective, May 3

Jeanette’s Thoughts, May 3

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, May 4

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 4

Texas Book-aholic, May 5

By the Book, May 5

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 6

Connie’s History Classroom, May 7

The Book Club Network, May 7

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, May 8 (Author Interview)

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, May 8

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, May 9

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 9

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 10

Karen Baney Reviews, May 10

Daysong Reflections, May 11

Books You Can Feel Good About, May 11

Betti Mace, May 12

For the Love of Literature, May 12

Blossoms and Blessings, May 13

Life, Love, Writing, May 13

Tell Tale Book Reviews , May 14

Mary Hake, May 14

For Him and My Family, May 15

Holly’s Book Corner, May 15

Pause for Tales, May 16

To Everything There Is A Season , May 16


To celebrate her tour, Misty is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


Redeeming Rupert

She had to save her home.  Her only hope was to marry Henry.   Her home meant everything to her.  She was responsible to take care of her in...