Sunday, May 21, 2023

Hard Times on Weaver Street

I felt I was welcomed home to Weaver Street when I had the privilege to read the next chapter of these wonderful neighbors.  New neighbors were introduced. Would they fit in?  Will Weaver Street change?

I loved that the neighborhood was one of different cultures and economic status.  They pulled together and survived the bad times.  They came together to celebrate the good times. It was lovely to see how they united.  You don't see that in today's world.

My favorite character was Kitty.  She had such high hopes for her future.  She arrived on Weaver Street as a young bride and developed into one of the strongest on the street.

I really enjoy period pieces.  This was a page turner.  


@ RachelRandomReads



Hard Times on Weaver Street

When the Great Depression hits Liverpool hard, can Weaver Street's close knit community keep each other safe?

As Liverpool and its residents begin to heal from the wounds and memories of World War I, life on Weaver Street in 1924 is blessedly peaceful. 

At number eleven, widow Kitty Conlon is dreaming about her upcoming wedding to John, while at number nine her best friend Maggie is cursing her bad luck as she juggles the demands of her cantankerous mother, stroppy daughter and fly-by-night beau. At number fifteen, Mavis has a mysterious new lodger, while further along the street the O Malley family are missing their beloved Ireland.

But as the Depression begins to bite, and the arrival of the Muller family on Weaver Street signals the worrying drumbeats of conflict coming from Germany, the fragile happiness and peace Liverpool has been enjoying looks destined to end. And as the neighbours pull together in the toughest of times, the women on Weaver Street face the prospect of waving their menfolk off to war.

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Author Bio –

Chrissie Walsh was born and raised in West Yorkshire and is a retired schoolteacher with a passion for history. She has written several successful sagas documenting feisty women in challenging times for Aria. Welcome to Weaver Street, the first title in her new WW1 saga series for Boldwood.

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