Thursday, June 30, 2022

Wake My Heart

Maggie was overwhelmed by grief.  Her life stopped when her husband died.  She gave up.  She had no hope.  There was no future.

My heart bled for Maggie.  She had to go through the grief process at her own pace.  It was so sad to read of her heartbreak. She felt that no one could understand.  But she did have people in her life that were there to see her through to the other side.  

Support can come from family, friends and co-workers.  Maggie had to take a risk to allow others to hold her up when she couldn't stand on her own.  

This book touched my heart.  I wanted to tell Maggie everything will be alright.  I never lost a spouse because he died.  I was going through a divorce.  I felt that I was destined to be alone.  I would never meet anyone that was decent and kind.  I mourned what I could have had but didn't.  With time, I healed and did eventually meet a wonderful man.  We just celebrated 15 years of marriage.  If I had closed up emotionally, I would not have had what I have now.


Lydia Michaels is the award winning and bestselling author of over forty novels, including the groundbreaking collection, Write 10K in a Day. She is the consecutive winner of the 2018 & 2019 Author of the Year Award from Happenings Media, as well as the recipient of the 2014 Best Author Award from the Courier Times. She has been featured in USA Today, Romantic Times Magazine, Love & Lace, and more. As the host and founder of the East Coast Author Convention and the Behind the Keys Author Retreat, Lydia Michaels plays a respected role in the book community. When she’s not working on her next novel, she is accepting speaking engagements and using her platform to advocate for positive author business practices and doing whatever she can to empower female entrepreneurs around the world.

Lydia is happily married to her childhood sweetheart. Some of her favorite things include the scent of paperback books, listening to her husband play piano, escaping to her coastal home at the Jersey Shore, cheap wine, 80’s pop culture, coffee, and kilts. She hopes to meet you soon at one of her many upcoming events. Lydia is most active on Instagram @Lydia_Michaels_Books. You can also follow Lydia at

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